[quote=@POOHEAD189] Well, seeing as 260 million didn't, I'd say the 60 million who did can easily be misinformed. Though a lot of people vote simply for the party which is pretty much the definition of bias and misinformed. Same with democratic voters. Hell, I'd say my fellow independents did pretty bad this election. [/quote] Mmhm, voting by party line is a two-way street as you said. How many actually vote simply by party line is up for debate because we have no conclusive number, so trying to discuss this with any sense of accuracy is, I'd say, impossible. And, hey, I personally know college-educated women who voted for Trump. I know people that I consider extremely intelligent who voted for Trump. They're not the people I would call 'misinformed'. Inevitably, in that sixty plus million group of people, there's most likely a large number of intelligent people who are informed about their country and the political situation of their country. Also, I'd like to note that a college education probably does not make you 'smarter' than another person. I'm pleased by the result of this election because, to me, it told me that our population is not compliant with what government leaders appear to want us to believe, nor with what the media wants us to believe. It's not their job to speculate and declare opinions for the people, it's their job to state the news in the most vanilla terms and then let us decide for ourselves what to believe. Republic democracy is alive and well.