Hello! So I was driving home today and was struck with inspiration for a one on one role play running around this idea based off of a Webcomic - A young person (we'll call them A) finds themselves face to face with death as they watch someone pass away. Until the moment A realizes someone else (we'll say Z) is in the room with them, someone who hadn't been there before. Z reaches inside the newly deceased person and pulls out a ball of light. It wasn't until the ball of light was in the Z's hand that the two locked eyes and to each other surprised, they could see one another. The Z sprints away and disappears before A can talk to them. A catches glimpses of Z around town sometimes holding lights and others just walking. Later on A was hanging out in a bar and noticed Z sitting in a corner drinking alone. I haven't really given any thought to the interaction but later on A ends up in a bad situation and Z shows up revealing that Z is a reaper and are there to take A's soul. A pleads to an exchange and thus they form a contract. The human (A) becomes an assistant to the Reaper (Z) by helping Z convince ghosts that it's time to move on. [sub]Basics - 2+ paragraphs per post Threads only No smut[/sub] [hider=Extended ideas] The idea of bringing in warring Angels and Demons has been popular in discussion and is something I thought I'd add here. [color=Red]Angels and Demons have been at war for centuries and their war on a separate plan of relativity. The more they fight the more causalities they have so it has become highly important that both sides try to convince the reapers to just bring the souls to their side instead of going through judgment. Depending on who the reaper encounters they could get a couple different responses from the Demon/Angel.[/color] [list][*]They could attempt to persuade the Reaper. [*]They could try to seek pity from a Reaper. [*]Attempt to bribe the Reaper. [*]Violence is always an option. [sub][i]Please note that the Reapers cannot die by valiance but they can get severally injured and drastically weakened. Reapers can only die by self-sacrifice , giving up their power for someone/something else and draining themselves or old age when their power is non-existent within their bodies.[/i][/sub][/list] Only Reapers can physically handle and deliver a soul; any Reaper can do it but not everyone has that job. The reason why most Reapers won't give in to one side or another is - If caught, they will be obliterated. Their existence will end and there's no returning from it. I was asked to explain how the Reaper Society works and I'm rather proud of what I came up with so I'm sharing it with everyone! So here's an idea for Reaper Life/History. [center][IMG] https://s26.postimg.org/xlgb77md5/maxresdefault.jpg[/img][/center] When the Angels and Demons were created, alongside them were the Reapers who worked for the Divine Judgment council of 5 wise individuals named: Truth, Justice, Knowledge, Power and Dignity. These beings rely on the Reapers to do their jobs accordingly and bring passed on human souls to them for judgment. Much like demons and angels who produce their own offspring, Reapers do the same and to insure each Reaper has a job to fulfill their needs they provide a service to the community by: Teaching young reapers the ways of the world, providing daycare to little children while parents are working and things that reflect the human community without the need for currency. Three of the most important jobs within the community are as follows – * Judgment Assistants These people provide assistance to the Divine Judgment individuals including bringing in the souls for judgment and leading them out. Documenting choices. Organizing and detailed paperwork. * Deliverers They escort people to their destinations. Some by kindness with a simple lead and conversation while others have to be more forceful and rough depending on the soul’s reaction; no reaper has a set destination, so one can go to heaven and the next day make a delivery to hell. * Collectors Reapers that go into the human world to collect souls. It is a hard job because of the need to convince ghosts to pass on along with making sure that Angels and Demons do not interrupt the retrieval and delivery process. So there we go![/hider] Anyone interested? `•.¸¸.••´´¯``•• .¸¸.•´ Characters! [center][h2][color=springgreen]𝓗ector[/color][/h2][/center] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/5a/72/70/5a7270c5f0939f73955de29164ac0678.jpg[/img][/center] [center]No age documented and he won’t say[/center] [center]Collector[/center] [center]Quite the Alcoholic[/center] [center][i][color=springgreen]✔[/color]Witty [color=springgreen]✔[/color]Sarcastic [color=springgreen]✔[/color]Lazy [color=springgreen]✔[/color]Lonely [color=springgreen]✔[/color]Quick-Thinking[/i][/center] [center][h2][color=goldenrod]𝓔lly[/color][/h2][/center] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/45/4a/a4/454aa4d1a27e9ec2c044b6ae44d473c9.jpg[/img][/center] [center]She’s young and hates to be judged based on her age[/center] [center]Collector[/center] [center]Drinks… often[/center] [center][i][color=goldenrod]✖[/color]Smartass [color=goldenrod]✖[/color]Hot Tempered [color=goldenrod]✖[/color]Work-a-holic [color=goldenrod]✖[/color]New On The Job [color=goldenrod]✖[/color]Lonely[/i][/center]