[quote=@BingTheWing] [@Lone Wanderer] p.s if ever can i take australia [/quote] Sure, go ahead. When you say take I assume you mean playing as Australia and don't mean taking/invading them as Mexico. But yeah, being in a pretty poor state and with discontent across the Empire, Westminster as it did IRL would most likely have embarked upon a movement of decolonisation involving the granting of independence to her dominions and colonies and offering them a place in the Commonwealth of Nations. I'm not definite on this however and may have Britain be abit more reactionary and try to retain/reclaim her Empire with a more conservative government whilst having only offered independence to her more troublesome colonies. Whether your Australia gained it's independence by working with Westminster or through other means such as revolt is entirely up to you. Alternatively your Australia could have remained apart of the British Empire with effectively autonomous control if you're so inclined. [quote=@Letter Bee] [@Lone Wanderer], I'm not playing a British possession, but I did have plans for subversion in Sabah and Sarawak. Want to talk those out here? [/quote] Sure, on here or in PMs. Whichever you'd prefer. What did you have in mind?