[centre][color=deb887][h2][u]Koma Hitsugi[/u][/h2][/color][/centre] [@Write] [@Odin] [@Ganryu] Koma had eventually, with guidance from some medical-nin, made her way to Konohagakure's hospital. She was seen to briefly by medical staff present to treat her injuries with more than some bandages, which had soaked up a fair amount of blood by the time she actually arrived. Her now properly treated side throbbed as she quietly sat and began to work on repairing her cloak, her uniform could wait for a while all things considered, but her cloak was an important part of how she operated as a kunoichi so it [i]had[/i] to be restored. Otherwise Koma's belongings were all neatly set on the bedside table next to her, neatly tucked away into one of the pouches she'd managed to repair before moving onto her cloak. Right now the girl was tired, shaky and more or less coming down from the surge of adrenaline that had kept her going for the best part of their test, part of her just wanted to sleep but she wasn't planning to rest until everything was over, or until she couldn't keep herself awake any longer. It seemed that the former would definitely be the deciding factor on when she slept though as a blast shook the building, along with multiple other explosions within Konohagakure in it's entirety. Koma was as unaware of what had caused the blasts as everyone else was, but she was already donning her half-repaired cloak when Yogensha, Amegakure's own kage, poked her head in and advised accompanying her out of the hospital. [color=deb887]"I understand."[/color] Was all she said as she began to follow behind the Ame-nin that were there, she was a bit slower than she had liked to be due to pain but she certainly did her best to maintain pace with them. With luck they'd hopefully run into some familiar faces soon, she'd at least feel a bit more comfortable if she more or less knew the people she was with. And hopefully the other Iwa-nin were either still in the forest or out of harms way.