[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/nyCOTFH.png[/img] [h3][color=bc8dbf]Yashiro, Takeshi[/color][/h3] [/center] [hr] Takeshi felt the heat, though he didn’t show it. His father had made sure was used to intense temperature fluctuations. Partly because of the side effect of his quirk, and partly to condition him for his endurance to different types of quirks. That said, he still started to sweat a little. Nothing could stop that. He found it odd that the teacher immediately assumed he was up to no good...when the male dorms were on this level. He only raised any eyebrow as he thought the very image of him carrying his and his sisters luggage, along with their swords on his back would be clear for his reasoning on being on the second floor. Nevertheless the woman recognized him as she should, being the den mother. He simply nodded.[color=bc8dbf] “Yes ma’am. I just need to know which room because the principle did not tell me that when he told me only an hour or so ago. [/color] He said respectfully, though he did not move as he was carrying this baggage. He hoped he was somewhere in the corner of the floor. He would rather not have his sister have to trek through a gantlet of teenage boys with Raging hormones just to go to the bathroom to take a shower. He knew Michiko would love her as a den mother. She was constantly cold due to her quirk. Being in this dorm where it would be constantly hot was a good fit for her. But he did not say anything for the moment. As he heard a scream and a loud thud on the floor above them. He wasn’t too worried as he heard playful yelling beforehand. [color=bc8dbf] It would seem the ones who are being mischievous are the girl, i’m sure you would want to check on that, so which way is my room? [/color]