I wanted a fresh start as it were. Name: Spartan Security Solutions Flag/symbols: American flag [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/18/0b/e8/180be804b3fa71b0834500bc31fcb3ab.jpg[/img]:Shoulder patch emblem How you survived: The Spartans survived due Training and sheer luck of having no major gates near them. Technology: Technology Spartans have access to the same military gear and weapons as the US military, with only a few exceptions. Any and all prototypes that The company worked with the government on are accessable at the very least in very early development stage. They make use of advanced materials such as better ear protection,ballistic shirt and lighter gear. military might: 50,000 infantry and hundreds of light skinned vehicles, artillery, and Armored vehicles. Dozens of transports and helicopters. History: Created in 1983 California, Spartan Security Solutions was formed out of necessity for security. To help support countries with weak militaries and fight for government interests across the globe. In recent years the corporation has seen extensive expansion thanks to congressional passing pf several laws in favor of PMC's. It currently has multiple bases through out the States of California and oregon.