[h3][color=00aeef]Liam Stromberg[/color][/h3] 1100 Hrs. Liam scanned the parking lot slowly, he wondered how the unstable VP made it past him or out this far even. His answer came in the form of the VP charging across the parking lot, he seemed to be making a bee line towards his car. Unsurprisingly he could see Nick at the other man’s car, he looked nervous. More so than usual, but that could very easily be explained because he got caught doing whatever it was he was doing to Chester’s car. He was quite content to simply stand there and watch how things turned out. However, Liam could tell by Chester body language that he was upset. To put it lightly. So he did what any sensible student would do in his situation, head over to make sure it didn’t get too ugly. Walking at a quick pace he began to jog towards them after they reached each other and a loud bang was heard. 1104 Hrs. The boy couldn’t see what had occurred it happened on the other side of the car and by the time he had gotten there the two were being shaken awake by a couple officers. Liam recognized the officers from his long nights working in the hospital but couldn’t recall their names. He met a lot of people from town at the hospital either on personal business or work. The VP and Nick seemed out of it when he looked over to them, they seemed like they were in shock and Liam was suddenly curious what could have transpired in that instant that resulted in both of these men being nearly unconscious. He could also see a small puddle of what looked like brass or gold, [color=00aeef][i]“Was that there before?” [/i][/color]he thought to himself as he looked the two over, [color=00aeef]“You two alright?”[/color] he spoke to them from behind one of the officers. [color=00aeef]“You don’t need me to go get the medical kit from the shop or anything?” [/color]instinctually he was worried, and inquiring about their health would normally be the first thing he would ask anyway. While he waited behind the officer his question not addressing anyone in particular and hardly noticed the other girl there as well.