[center][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-IwplKwdDGZQ/Wdrv-zbwdrI/AAAAAAAABH0/Lp5g3krucP8oD6aygSxkcBU7R7OftWrsACL0BGAYYCw/h133/2017-10-08.png[/img] [color=Blue]A rather odd phone call from a mysterious person causes Casey James Fear to investigate this abandoned hospital. Inside is dried up blood, plates of metal placed all around the room, and a mysterious cage lays in the middle of the empty room. Inside the woman can hear something whimpering in pure pain. Upon farther inspection she can see it's nothing but a pure black baby kitsune. The question is will her and everyone around her be able to protect the little one and it's mate or not?[/color][/center] [hr] [center][hider=153 Blackfeather Road in Shadowmaple, Grayhaven][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-J8L76dhPfoc/Wdr3LwJjw_I/AAAAAAAABIQ/tw0DXKMMTFcFss_VqR_0C5TjOu1B5ypKwCL0BGAYYCw/h332/2017-10-08.png[/img] Not much is known about this place. Only that is was once an old abandoned mental hospital back in the late 1600s or so rumor has it. When the town began to crawl back to life in 1789 but it was turned into a normal hospital. Though Legend has it that the place is haunted. Anyone that stays inside the place after dark is never seen again. Owners: To be revealed[/hider][/center] Rosemere City, Greyhaven