[hider=Jenna "JK" Moore][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmRmYjlkZi5TbVZ1Ym1FZ1RXOXZjbVUsLjAAAAAA/hesster-mofet.mofet-clean-trial.png[/img] [color=plum][i]Jenna, JK, Jenna K, Jen, Jen K[/i][/color][hr][hr][img]https://mobil.woman.at/_storage/asset/6212740/storage/womanat:key-visual/file/90883660/barbie%20ferreira.jpg[/img] [color=plum]“You call me fat, but at the end of the day, I still get more dick [i]and[/i] pussy than you.”[/color][hr][hr] [/center][center] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/4f32612e7cbed3d2b743102bc13bea70/tumblr_off1o8udrW1sqstgio8_400.gif[/img] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/3f89ff51938e22583c0e1a69e6408960/tumblr_inline_ojoy3zPXHo1twgxp9_250.gif[/img][/center] [color=plum] Name [/color] [indent]Jenna Kathleen Moore[/indent] [color=plum] Birthday & Age [/color] [indent]April 20, 1999 | 18[/indent] [color=plum] Gender & Sexual Orientation [/color] [indent]Female, Bisexual[/indent] [color=plum] Other Labels [/color] [indent]Liberal | Stoner | Thick[/indent] [color=plum] Position on the Crew [/color] [indent]Waitress[/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/41df392da04a469a3d61af4ade7aade8/tumblr_nvpb59SSTW1s4smv7o1_r1_250.png[/img] [url=https://youtu.be/K6RjrKDjJzI][color=plum]"Do you remember when they bowed to us like kings, my friend? We were the champions, we were the champions Hey now even when castles half-blown to the wind I know they talk about us now and then Saying we were the champions We were the champions"[/color][/url][/center][hr][hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLmRmYjlkZi5VM1Z1YzJocGJtVWdSR2x1WlhJZ1NtOWlJRUZ3Y0d4cFkyRjBhVzl1LjAAAAAA/hesster-mofet.mofet-clean-trial.png[/img][/center] [color=plum] Personality[/color] [indent][color=plum]The Positive:[/color] [sup]What qualities do [i]you[/i] bring to the table that make you a valuable member of the crew? Are you a team player? Tell us![/sup] [list] [*] Outgoing [*] Confident [*] Carefree [/list][/indent] [indent][color=plum]The Negative:[/color] [sup]Not everyone is perfect! That’s okay, here at the Sunshine Diner, we’ll help you grow as a person! Be honest.[/sup] [list] [*] Reckless [*] Raunchy [*] Rebellious [/list][/indent] [indent][color=plum]Sell Yourself:[/color] I really need this job, so I'll do whatever it takes to keep it. I'll be on time, keep my customers happy and make sure I give my best so I can keep up with the rep of this fantastic place.[/indent] [indent][color=plum]Tell the Truth:[/color] Okay, so first things first: I like my pot, and I like my parties. There's a high chance that on the weekends I'll come to work hungover, stoned, or both. BUT, on the bright side, I'll most likely be early on those days! I keep a spare uniform on the back of my car so that after partying I can come right to work for breakfast before my shift. Also, heads up: if you see me giggling over stupid shit, don't worry! I'm not going crazy or anything like that. I'm most likely tripping on acid. When a customer starts making unwelcome comments or a co-worker tries to get me in some hot waters, you can expect me to get feisty. I can't hold my tongue for the life of me, so you bet I'll always say what I feel without giving a shit. I've also got a low tolerance for bullshit, so hands down I will gladly call you out on it if I see it. Like, I'm usually super chill, but if you push me too hard, I'm not afraid to throw hands. Now, on the other hand, I'm totally a big flirt, and people say sometimes I’m bordering on raunchy. I'm totally bold whenever I'm into someone, because beating around the bush is not something I'm into. If I like you, I'm telling you. And if we’re both into each other, then why wait? This is why I'll sometimes take breaks and sorta disappear: I'm most likely hooking up with a co-worker on the back. Oh, and by the way, I’ll kinda need to use the industrial ovens in the kitchen to carry on with my second job: ‘surprise’ brownies. I make the batter at home, pour it in my own pans, but then stick them in the oven here so I can get more batches out at the same time. It's a pretty profitable side job, to be honest. If you ever want a sample, just hit me up. I always have special prices for Sunshine customers.[/indent] [indent][color=plum]History:[/color] I came to this place as soon as I graduated from high school. You see, I wanna go to cosmetology school, but it so happens I've never been one of the most privileged kids out there. My mom barely makes enough for both of us to live until her next paycheck, and selling my surprise brownies could only get me so far. So, as soon as I saw the ad that they were looking for waitresses, I rushed straight to the interviews. I put on my best face and it looks like I made a good enough impression on, because here I am! I've been working here for a little over a month now, and so far so good. My account is slowly going up, and if nothing tragic happens I'm probably applying for school by fall of next year. I'm probably quitting once I get my cosmetology degree. That seems like a good enough plan.[/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/774173f6b01115ba08bf02e55dd5141b/tumblr_inline_ojoy39W3jW1twgxp9_250.gif[/img] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/c17d1b3636b0e3b712c6ecf603ca41ec/tumblr_inline_ojoy34o6dY1twgxp9_250.gif[/img][/center] [center]"[color=plum]No matter what a woman looks like, if she's confident, she's sexy.[/color]" - [color=lightgray]Paris Hilton [/color][/center][hr][hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LmRmYjlkZi5UMlptSUhSb1pTQlNaV052Y21RLC4wAAAAAAAA/hesster-mofet.mofet-clean-trial.png[/img][/center] [color=plum] My Dreams [/color] [indent]Become a cosmetologist and makeup artist.[/indent] [color=plum] Fears [/color] [indent][list] [*] Catching an STD [*]Getting pregnant [*]Overdosing [*]Getting her heart broken [/list][/indent] [color=plum]Likes [/color] [indent][list] [*]Party Drugs (Acid, Ecstasy/Molly, Weed) [*]Alcohol [*]Music by Halsey, Kiiara, Lorde, MØ, Lana del Rey, The Neighbourhood, Glass Animals, Melanie Martinez, The 1975, Artic Monkeys, Tame Impala, etc. [*]Raves [*]Sex [*]Parties [*]Making Out [*]Burgers and Fries [*]Makeup [*]Generous Tips [*]Employee Discounts [/list][/indent] [color=plum] Dislikes [/color] [indent][list] [*] Rules [*]Waking up before noon, even if it's necessary for the job [*]Hangovers [*]Shit-quality drugs [*]Indian Food [*]Fuckers who don't tip [*]Nasty people who talk shit about her body type [/list][/indent] [color=plum] Reputation [/color] [indent]#thick[/indent] [color=plum] Payment [/color] Direct deposit and cash tip$$$ [/hider]