"Ah, yes, the Aetherium," Karl said. He glanced up from his potato peeling every now and then. "As far as we can tell, in spite of the abundance of soul gem geodes and metal veins in this place, the Aetherium was the only thing we could find that the Dwemer were actually digging out. The reason that this cavern appears to have been so expanded is because the Dwemer cities skirting the entrances were working together -- or competing -- to mine and process as much as they could for a time. They were using it to make their more powerful enchantments, we believe, though the exact method remains a mystery. We have also seen signs that there was conflict over the Aetherium eventually...or perhaps over the means of exploiting it. But the conflict stopped rather suddenly. There are many lacunas in the few records we have found." He shrugged. "The only hint we have of how to work it is a specialised forge located somewhere, but it is not in anywhere in the cavern that we can find. In fact, we have seen signs that it may be in a separate Dwemer settlement somewhere to the south-east. Unfortunately, other priorities have precluded searching for it outside Blackreach. That has been the state of things for a few months now." "It all sounds ominous," Sabine observed between slicing onions. "They mined it, they fought over it, and then they stopped. But we do not know why." [hr] Exact expressions were mixed around the table. Oswall was high-chinned and had his arms crossed. Vera was sitting straight but appeared slightly pale. Janius was leaning his lips on his weaved fingers and his elbows on the table. Darahil was the same as always. Fendros seated himself, placed one hand over the other flat on the table, and resumed slowly. "So, we have had a time to think. Does anyone have any further suggestions?" Oswall cleared his throat. "My only thought was flying chauruses. But I do not know if they are so carefully trained."