[h3]Diplomacy at Yarosmere[/h3] Aramir was slow to follow the group, her bow still out. She kept her eyes on Yolin, the only living threat in the room that she could do something against, and followed. She didn't trust them to not do anything, but much to her surprise, the King merely held a hand out to Yolin and they were allowed to leave. She barely heard Darius as they entered the parlor, immediately destringing her bow and going to Mar's side. "Hey." She said softly, standing next to the Naga and putting hugging her. "We'll make this right. The college won't stand for this, and we'll fix it. We can't undo what's been done, but we can bring justice. I'm sorry Mar. We need to go though." She reached into Mar's pocket, fishing out the stone. In an instant, she had cracked it in her hands. A moment later, Resistance Members were leaping out of the shadows, armed and ready for a fight. Much to their surprise, there was nothing to do. Rather than waiting for an explanation, they hurried everyone back through the shadows and out of the Palace, not feeling safe at all. Once back into the Resistance Headquarters, the College students informed the leaders what had happened. Sahra cursed quietly and the man merely shook his head, moving deeper into the Headquarters. Thanking the students for trusting them, giving them the pick of recently stolen weapons for the trouble they had been through, and beseeching them to get the aid of the College in the ongoing rebellion in Yarasmere, Sahra opened more portals, quickly sending them outside of College grounds. They had much to tell the teachers. MISSION OVER. [h3]Back in Yarosmere[/h3] Yolin looked at the King, confused. "Why did you let the hereteics go, my lord? They were aligned with an abomination." The King smiled slightly, shaking his head. "The Sand God has plans for everyone, Yolin. Even Heretics and abominations. They have not yet achieved their purpose. They will though. In time." He walked back into the palace halls, calling back to Yolin as he did so. "Clean up the mess, and make the army ready. War is coming."