Meesei listened carefully to Karl as he spoke, clearly interested. "So, you have found mention of a forge, then? That is more than we had before, by a large margin. If they went through all the trouble of mining out this massive cavern, and fought wars over claiming its contents, then its power would have to be great indeed. Once...well, once my pack has completed its current mission, I think we will have the resources to investigate the claim. At least in some capacity. Finding that forge could be immensely useful to us. And that is not even to mention the scholarly value." Meesei gave Lunise a curious look. "Have you ever heard of scholars in the Dominion finding something like Aetherium? Though, since the Dwemer had no presence in southern Tamriel, I imagine there would be less Dwemer scholars in the region." --- Ri'vashi was the first to respond, after a few moments of consideration. "Chaurus hunters can move quickly, but...we would still need to keep them far enough away to avoid setting off the wards. It is doubtful that it would be expected, at least." "A Chaurus, even one with wings, cannot cover ground all that much faster than a werewolf in full sprint. That would have the same problem as any other idea with something living; they wouldn't get to us in time to help. Myself, Sabine, Meesei, we are capable, but our opponents outnumber us, and have access to powerful Daedric artifacts. Flying chaurus would be useful, certainly, but they would have to be undead to be close enough to help us." Ahnasha argued.