[center] [img] http://i.imgur.com/ZnOpQuF.png[/img] Location: Smithy's drug and grocery store, Las Vegas Time: Evening [/center] [hr] As the last of the flesh and hair fell away, Benjamin’s blonde werewolf emerged. Renewed energy tingled underneath the fur and needled at his awareness. His muscles twitched and tensed, the endorphins numbed the last of the pain. A low rumble escaped through his gritted teeth as his eyes bright, blue eyes rose upright. They observed Odette, Mandate, and Bach in an animalistic fashion. Sharpened by fear, hostility wafted off his outline. He didn’t move. He stood absolutely still on all fours. Patches of gore dripped off his wet fur, causing several areas become matted. The usually light color was stained slightly pink. The fur puffed out when his vision caught the bluish transparent orb form on Odette’s palm. She blew it into his direction, like a demented kiss, as she criticized his agony. He tensed at the mention of it being inconvenient for their conversation. The werewolf's eyes continued to glare in silence. Instinctively his nostrils flared to catch the scent. A flowery, sweet one immediately assigned itself to his mind. Something crossed with blueberries and bluebells. A sense of nonlethal intention popped into his head. His attention never wavered from the orb's amble toward him, pushed by invisible winds. When it vanished into his broad chest, Ben shuddered. At first, it burned. His body resisted the effects until the spell faded into a lukewarm sensation. New energy mingled with the old causing the tingling and sensitive to intensify. It spread throughout his very veins before it settled into his core. Ben inhaled deeply, but he didn’t flinch or react to the spell’s influence. Tendons and nerves crackling in his keen ears. He was ready for action as his head narrowed onto the scene. An item, presented to the group earlier, had been placed underneath Mandate’s foot. Again, his nose flickered and twitched again. A sweet, musty scent floated to him this time. It was familiar yet… older. His head cocked in confusion for a moment, trying to place it. Something clicked in his memory causing his eyes to widen in fear and anger. His fur bristled abruptly as he narrowed on the memory. Benjamin's muzzle jerked to each individual. First Mandate, then Odette and finally the unseen individual to her right. His growl deepened in warning ending in a snarling snap. Benjamin didn’t like hidden things or someone threatening his pack. Slowly his right paw stepped forward as he bolted at the trio. Several things happened at once. Benjamin rushed past the male Dover twin, eluding his attempt to reach out and stop him. Ji and Yeong had already erupted from their human skins into their wolf forms. Instead of the mess, the twin's skin crumbled like dry and aged flakes off their fur. Their paws slammed the tile to rush into his wake. As Benjamin drew closer, his nostrils inhaled and caught a whiff of something magical. Red flashed in his head causing his reflexes to slow. Yoeng had caught up and his vision spotted her move to stop him.