Jillian: I understand... adjusting here will take some time. *Jillian smiles, and shrugs.* Jillian: I guess with practice, I've been smoking these for awhile now. *She looks at the cigarette, almost seeing some unknown truth in it.* Jillian: It helps me think. --- *John turns to regard Beatrix, and gives her a frown.* John: What do you want... I said I was sorry, and I mean what I say. *He gives her a hard look, and pours himself another glass.* --- *Laura at this point seems to be interested in the discussion going on between Beatrix and John.* --- *Sasha watches over Jilial for a time, before finally getting up, and walking over to where LEcter is sitting.* Sasha: So.. When are you heading out to deal with that Belak guy?