*Zeta nods, also looking at the cigarette instead of puffing on it because she doesn't really want to make more of a fool of herself.* Zeta: I... can kinda understand that. And umm... Jill... you mind if I call you that? Anyway, if you have anything on your mind that you feel like you need or want to talk about, I always have ears. Just an offer, not pushing to learn about your backstory or anything if you don't want to say anything. *Zeta awkwardly smiles, and takes a puff of the her own cigarette, which makes her eyes water again, despite her coughing a little bit less than the first couple times.* --- *Beatrix rolls her eyes then taps the glass she's holding. She finally manages to speak properly seeing as though she cleared her mouth of the soap, and washed down the taste with the alcohol.* Beatrix: No you idiot, I'm not mad about that. You still owe me drinks. Pay up. --- *Eustace finishes loading/reloading his rifle, which unknowns to anybody, he has done in a very specific way where each bullet he loaded is different in a way, then stands up and wanders over to Finnick seeing as though they're in the forest.* Eustace: What kind of mage are you?