[b]Alicia Hayden [@Flamelord] and Mariette Pedersen [@PlatinumSkink][/b] Moving towards the train station. Alicia was mentally preparing herself for the fight ahead. There had not been any real indication as to what sorts of monsters they would be dealing with but that was fairly usual all things told. All she knew was that there were a lot of them, and that meant that it would most likely be a difficult fight any way. Luckily she was used to handling crowds. Her path took her through a department store, though really she probably could have just jumped over the thing. But it wasn't that much more time wasted, and a few seconds likely wouldn't make a real difference. It was when she was passing through though that she found her path interrupted, a portal opening up in front of her. That was too convenient to be coincidental, and she pulled to a halt to see who had made the portal and why. There was a small chance that it was unrelated and the user would just be on their way, but she found that unlikely. As it turned out it was two people, one very gothic in appearance and the other clearly a monster girl, one of the more unusual kinds that she had seen. Her body tensed in preparation, though she refrained from her bow for the moment. They looked to be working together, and people like that tended to be bad news for the people they met. Her gaze flickered between the two of them as the one read off some kind of fact sheet about her, the other taking apparent satisfaction in her magic specialization. “About what?” she asked after Mariette had introduced herself, indicating a desire to talk. She wasn't sure what the subject could be, but she was willing to see if it was legitimately important or not. If it was just a distraction then she could be on her way easily enough. For now though, she was willing to see what her mysterious visitor had to say. Mariette did a satisfied little nod about that Alicia seemed willing to talk. [color=077ae6]‘About Justine von Visceral, her actions against Beacon girls, my own involvement and about a specific girl called Janet Howell.’[/color] Mariette kept the little smile, staring unflinchingly at Alicia, analyzing her reaction. Eli occasionally glanced up, but otherwise remained quiet looking at the notebook. Unsure as to what she should expect, Alicia's attention was grabbed almost immediately by what Mariette said next. There was some worry about her claim to having been involved in this, though the fact she was here to talk about it either meant she had changed her mind or was about to make some kind of demand. Either way Alicia could not just walk away from it, not when they needed to learn about Justine, and about what had happened to Janet. "I'm listening," she confirmed, waiting to hear what Mariette had to say. Mariette looked pleased with her reaction, and began talking. [color=077ae6]‘First, I have to admit something. Until very recently, I was working with Justine von Visceral. It wasn't an alliance, we just both had things the other needed. She made requests to me, I was rewarded for completing them. Now, I don't have anything against Beacon. I'm quite capable of simply staying out of your way, I don't really mind your ideologies or actions. I don't have a reason to commit any harm to you, normally. That said...’[/color] Mariette stopped smiling and looked at Alicia seriously. [color=077ae6]‘I was the one who kidnapped Janet Howell, on Justine's command. The reward... was worth it.’[/color] She paused momentarily, to ensure she wasn't about to be shot through with this admission. Alicia grit her teeth, fists clenching as Mariette revealed that she had been involved in Janet's kidnapping. Her brain screamed at her to attack, to haul her before the Beacon to answer for her crimes, and no one would have faulted her for that. As her powers confirmed, the girl was telling the truth. But the fact that she was here now, saying this, as well as her vow kept her in check. For now anyway, and she was silent as the girl went on. [color=077ae6]‘She wasn't the only one I kidnapped, either. I kidnapped a whole slew of Magical Girls for her. As for what she does with them, I suspect Stephanie was her work and something similar may be awaiting them. If she's not simply feeding them to her little sister.’[/color] Mariette continued, now serious. [color=57a345]‘I...’[/color] Eli sighed a bit, as she mustered the power to talk. [color=57a345]‘I have the complete list right here, of all those we kidnapped, and their details...’[/color] She said, still in her defeated tone, the liquid harpy lifting the wing in which the notebook was partly submerged. This just kept getting better and better, at least from Alicia's perspective. Little sister? The Beckoners had not said anything about that. Perhaps they didn't know, or this was a different person after all. The fact that they had a list of everyone who had been kidnapped was very useful, but also a powerful bargaining chip for the duo who currently held onto it. She had the feeling that she knew where this was going. “What do you want for it?” she asked, mistrust clear even if she knew that they weren't necessarily lying. But from what she had said it was clear that this would not be some kind of free handout. She clearly wasn't here out of the goodness of her heart. Eli blinked a little in surprise, while Mariette once again gave the slightest of a smirk. She used Absolute Direction, and the fact they were in a department store meant what she was looking for wasn't far off. A small portal opened by Mariette's hand, which then went through and retrieved an unused notebook from a shelf in a nearby store before then closing the portal again. Mariette then handed the notebook over to Eli, who looked a little confused. [color=077ae6]‘Start writing a copy.’[/color] She commanded her underling. [color=57a345]‘Y-yes, mistress.’[/color] Eli confirmed, grabbing the new notebook and taking out a pen, before turning to kneel down onto the floor opening her own book and starting to write a copy. Of course, that'd take a while. Mariette kept the little smile towards Alicia. [color=077ae6]‘If we come to an agreement, I'll give you the copy as a gift of good faith.’[/color] Mariette stated, then waited a couple of moments to see if Alicia had anything more to say. "I see, that's very generous of you," Alicia noted as they began working on a copy. It was too bad that it wasn't the original, but she supposed that that might be a bit much to ask. "Is that everything you wanted to say to me? The list by itself isn't all that useful, considering what you've presented me with so far." It didn't exactly bring her any closer to finding Janet or the others after all. Mariette stopped smiling, turning serious once again. [color=077ae6]‘No. That was just describing the scenario.’[/color] Mariette clutched her bunny a bit harder as she breathed in, and then continued. [color=077ae6]‘While I benefited from the cooperation with Justine, I have no desire to see her goals of turning this world into a "pure" one come to fruition, whatever that might mean. Our goals do not seem to align. In fact, I consider it likely she wants me dead now that she no longer has need of me, both because of what I know and that a monopoly on dimension-travelling powers among Magical Girls would be highly advantageous to her. What I'm saying is...’[/color] Mariette smirked again, her tone regaining the playful touch. [color=077ae6]‘... I'm far more reasonable than Justine is. I have no particular intention of harming this world or the inhabitants of it, while Justine von Visceral may be about to wipe it clean. At the same time, you need the abilities that either I or Justine command to reach her base of operations. And with your powers, Alicia Hayden, you should know that all I've said I consider to be the truth.’[/color] Mariette smirked a little wider, looking sharply at Alicia. [color=077ae6]‘So. Your thoughts, chosen of Beacon?’[/color] She finally asked, assuming her point to have been made obvious. There was something about this that Alicia couldn't help but just find repugnant on an instinctual level. Of course, the two of them cooperated until one no longer needed the other. Then there had probably been some kind of betrayal that was the reason Mariette was here now. It was probably a given that she was just hoping to use Beacon for her own agenda, against Justine. The most frustrating part was that she was right, and they couldn't do anything about it. Asked about her thoughts, Alicia did have a bit to say to the other girl. “That's correct, you do seem to be telling the truth. I just find it unfortunate that it was apparently only worth selling her out after she had everything that she needed, when it will be that much harder to stop whatever she has planned.” But of course, that would have stopped Mariette from getting whatever she got out of the deal. A sigh escaped before she went on. “Still, I'm willing to hear whatever agreement you have in mind, though I won't be able to agree to anything without consulting with the Beckoners first.” Mariette made a little amused exhale of breath at the "unfortunate" part. That'd do. [color=077ae6]‘I'm willing to ferry your crusade. Justine von Visceral said something about being ready, so action may be needed very soon, and I'm willing to make sure the troops of justice are always where they'll be needed. You might find the ability to step through a portal to the other side of the city almost instantaneously to be... quite useful. That, and when the time comes to lay seige to Justine's fortress, I'm willing to lead the way. All I need in return is a promise I won't be killed, and that you bite back your distaste of cooperating with the agent of a Horror in order to defeat the currently greater threat. That doesn't sound too unreasonable, now, does it? We both benefit from her removal and with this you can potentially rescue the captives, so there should be no reason we cannot cooperate.’[/color] Mariette gave her little smirk again, before it vanished to her more focused expression. [color=077ae6]‘Of course, I know you cannot make those calls. However, you'll be able to forward my suggestion knowing I've told the truth. They'll trust your word far better than mine.’[/color] She finishes, standing where she was, while Eli's still scribbling into the copy-notebook on the floor on the side. Alicia was not surprised by the expressed willingness, since she had basically said as much already. It would be hard to stop this particular plan if they couldn't get there after all, though she still held to a belief that they would have managed it on their own anyway. There were a lot of girls in Beacon so someone had to have a similar power, right? …..Unless they had been kidnapped already. “I'll let them know,” Alicia said after a few moments. They'd already made an exception for monster girls, though she wasn't sure if Mariette knew about that, so if they really needed to she supposed they could make an exception for a Horror as well. The only real question would be making sure that the entire thing was not just them being used as a tool for someone else's agenda. That was not how Beacon operated. For now though she waited for that copy to be finished. “But yes, at this point defeating Justine does seem to be the more pressing issue. Though why did you come to us? Because we have more bodies to throw at our problem?” Mariette turned and stared down at Eli a bit before answering, the harpy rather desperately looking back and forth between the two notebooks and writing. While she knew a lot by heart, she had to ensure that she wasn't forgetting something and that it was readable...! [color=077ae6]‘Partly.’[/color] Mariette answered. [color=077ae6]‘But it is also that you have something other Magical Girls lack, something Justine killed Victoria Reales for trying to establish. You have organization, focus and order. All very useful when trying to fight a war.’[/color] Mariette turned to Alicia once again as she said. Well, Alicia supposed that that also made sense, though this being called a war did not exactly bode well when it came down to it. This whole thing was to prevent the war before it happened, right? Or perhaps there was yet more going on that Mariette had decided she did not need to know. If that was the case then Beacon would have to stay on their toes. "I suppose you have a point there." Mariette nodded, and then went on to the next order of business. [color=077ae6]‘Now, in order to establish contact with me...’[/color] Mariette suppressed a smile of slightly childish joy. She was going to finally have a...! Absolute Direction. She found one swiftly in one of the nearby hardware store. She turned her free hand (one not clutching a stuffed bunny) to hold its palm upwards, and a portal opened above. Down fell a cell phone from a shelf, and Mariette grabbed it while maintaining a little smile. [color=077ae6]‘I do not usually carry means which to contact me, but I'll make an exception for this agreement. Allow me to just find out what number is connected to this phone...’[/color] With a bit of childish excitement, she pressed on the phone... [color=57a345]‘Er, mistress?’[/color] Eli looked up as Mariette got an inconvenienced expression when she likely either ran into a code-screen or maybe phones in stores aren't charged, or something. [color=57a345]‘I-it doesn't work like that. You buy a phone along with a, um...’[/color] Eli couldn't use "cellphone subscription". [color=57a345]‘... A number that is linked to the phone first after it's bought. The phone on its own is useless. The number is bound to the person and identity, put in a list phone-companies have, and is kept even when the person switches phones...’[/color] Eli explained, though she wasn't an expert on this either. Mariette held a blank face of thorough displeasure. She held the phone out on the side, dropped it into a portal, and then the impact of a cell-phone hitting the bottom could be heard from a nearby trash-can. Mariette then slowly turned to glare at Alicia. [color=077ae6]‘... I'll come find you again at a later time.’[/color] She said, unable to hide her displeasure from her voice. What came next was unexpected though, and slightly amusing. She wasn't sure what she had thought would happen as the portal appeared, only for a cell phone to fall through it. That glee Mariette displayed was almost cute, if it were not for all the facts that otherwise surrounded the girl. The experiment seemed to end in failure, leaving Alicia to look at the duo in confusion. "Why don't you just get a burner phone?" she asked then. Sure, it wasn't as fancy as having a regular phone but if you just wanted to call people then it would suffice (She didn't use one, but had heard other Beacon girls talking about them before. Apparently they were big in some tv show.) [color=077ae6]‘Burner... phone...?’[/color] Mariette asked, frowning and clearly not knowing what it was. She turned to glare at Eli, and the harpy could but flinch and raise her wings in the common gesture "I have no idea!", before going back to copying one notebook to the other. Mariette frowned more, and turned her glare back at Alicia with her one visible eye. [color=077ae6]‘... Where would I get a...’[/color] She started, but then stopped what she was asking. Being belittled by her lack of knowledge was not part of the current plan. [color=077ae6]‘Very well. Obtain a burner phone for me. I will seek you out after you have had a chance to converse with Beacon about my proposition. I will not show up somewhere where I might be ambushed by others of your organization. In how long should I reappear?’[/color] Mariette asked, before turning somewhat, indicating that she felt she had said most of what she needed and would rather be on her way now. Meaning if Alicia had anything else to say, then she probably should say it now. Eli was frantically trying to get the pages written down, realizing from her mistress' motions she didn't have much longer. Mariette's recent spot of annoyance had taken a serious toll on her patience. The confusion provided Alicia all the answer that she needed as to whether they had considered that or not. “Yeah, it's a kind of prepaid phone, so you have a certain amount of minutes already loaded onto it. Then once it runs out you just dump the phone and get a new one when it runs out. It was big in a tv show recently...” she trailed off into muttering, trying to remember what it was. Somehow it ended up becoming her responsibility to get Mariette a phone, which she ceded to with a sigh. She'd see if Beacon would shell out for it, since they weren't that expensive. “In a couple hours, I'd say in the afternoon,” she replied when asked about time. “I assume you'll find me?” Mariette listened to the explanation of what a "burner phone" was, and nodded slightly. Then, the matter of finding Alicia... [color=077ae6]‘As long as you don't vacate this dimension, finding you is a simple matter.’[/color] Mariette assured her, before turning around away from her. A wide portal opened again, though this time under her feet. She was standing on a different floor somewhere else, for the portal was pressed against the floor on the other side. [color=57a345]‘Done!’[/color] Eli gasped out and jumped back onto the floor covered by the portal next to her mistress, leaving the copied notebook on the floor, breathing out a bit as she looked towards Mariette and then to Alicia, slowly calming down after panicking. [color=077ae6]‘... Oh. But one more thing.’[/color] Mariette noted, turning around once again to face Alicia. [color=077ae6]‘During our deal, it turned out that Justine had an ace in the shape of a Magical Girl in her service, in case she ever needed to neutralize me. Although I can ferry you around, I cannot join you in battle. For as long as Sonia stands by Justine's side, I cannot touch them. So, if you ever see the girl called Sonia...’[/color] Mariette gave the slightest of a smirk. [color=077ae6]‘... Removing her from the picture may be to your advantage.’[/color] She's simply going to comment. That was about what Alicia had expected so she was not going to make a big deal of it as Mariette said that she would find her rather than them having to arrange a meeting spot where they could confer on what the results of the discussion were. As the girl prepared to leave Alicia stepped over and picked up the notebook, glancing through it to make sure that Eli had indeed made a good effort of copying everything down. It seemed like it, and she closed the notebook and held onto it as she turned to watch the strange girl depart for wherever she was going next. "I'll keep that in mind," she replied with a nod. Not that she guaranteed she would go around trying to kill people simply because it benefitted Mariette. She still had the feeling that Mariette was just using them like she had tried to use Justine, and if they could avoid blindly going along with her agenda then she would be much happier. They would just have to see what happened. Mariette was satisfied with that. She was just about to leave, considering what to do next, when another thought struck her. After a moment's consideration, she voiced it. [color=077ae6]‘There was a girl that wanted me to help her go talk to or stop Justine, Lily Hanson. I declined her at the time because I had no reason to help her, but maybe I'll just send her to you if I'm helping against Justine anyway.’[/color] She's wait for a reply to that, but was definitely in the mood to get going. Alicia's gaze narrowed, the name familiar. That was the one who had been talking to Penny before, wasn't it? She had wanted to speak to her anyway, so what a fortuitous coincidence that this was how things had turned out. Though she also found it a bit frustrating that once again it was people outside of Beacon who were proving so much more successful at getting to the bottom of this and solving the problem than Beacon itself was. "Please do," she replied simply, allowing Mariette to be on her way. She was going to have a busy day, it seemed. [color=077ae6]‘Very well.’[/color] Mariette acknowledged. [color=077ae6]‘For now.’[/color] She made a small, abstract wave, and then to Alicia's eyes Mariette and Eli sunk into the floor before the portal closed. What actually happened was that Mariette lifted the portal on the other side with her powers, extending the distance from the floor Mariette was actually standing on to the other side, giving the impression she was sinking into the floor. Regardless, the effect was the same. Shortly, Alicia stood alone in the department store, Mariette having completely disappeared. Alicia looked around as Mariette vanished, making sure there weren't any other surprises waiting in the wings before she did anything else. After a moment she sighed, releasing a breath she did not know that she had been holding with Mariette's presence gone. Tension unwound, and she was back to her confident self once again. Holding on to the notebook, she was quick to resume her journey to the train station. She'd handle this first and then let the Beckoners know about this meeting. Hopefully the monster attack was under control by the time she got there, but there was only one way to find out. With how busy things were shaping up to be, she certainly hoped so.