Cassiopeia was not happy, in fact one could even describe her as enraged. She was gazing at the man in front of her in a way that to the rest of the world would looked mildly annoyed but she was, in fact, seeing red as she reminded herself that she looked much better with her head attached to her shoulders. “You come into my home, terrorize my staff, and attempt to bully and blackmail me into a marriage that would ruin not only myself, but also all the people who’s livelihood depends on me and you proclaim it is in the name of love? Do I look the part of an idiot Uncle?” Cassiopeia raised an eyebrow at the man who she had despised most of her life. He was her relation in law only, but he had tried to insinuate himself in her life like she wasn’t his better. He was a baron, only to save Cassi’s aunt the embarrassment of marrying someone of common blood. Not that Cassi had any issue with his status but he was vile, the low of the low. He only proved this as he tried to blackmail her into a marriage with one of his business acquaintances. Her aunt claimed he has good qualities. Cassi claimed his only good quality was his acting. “Cassiopeia, you are 20 years old, high past time you got married at your status. You cannot presume to think you can run the duchy by yourself!” Her uncle probably would have kept ranting if Cassi hadn’t held up a hand to stop him. He was red in the face as she poured herself a cup of tea, as it was finally cool enough to drink. He didn’t dare interrupt her though, and she took her time, mixing in sugar and bringing it to her lips, savoring the taste and relishing her uncle’s impatience with her. Finally she set the cup in the saucer with a gentle clink and deigned to respond to him. “I am more than equipped to run the duchy and I do not need you or your sycophants trying to tell me how. I have no need for a husband, Uncle. I have no need for money or land, and I have two wonderful heirs in the form of your beautiful children. If I should marry it shall be for love, and that’s all I shall say on the matter. If you continue with these games Uncle, it would be a shame if I should call upon those debts you owe me. I hear that the food at the debtors prison is atrocious. Now if you’ll excuse me, I must go find Mother, as we have other matters to attend to.” Cassi didn’t wait for an answer. Instead she stood and walked out of the parlor deeper into the house. Once she was sure she was quite alone, she screamed into her hands, resisting the urge to break something. She understood that she was not a male, and that she would always be treated as less but the amount of patriarchal bullshit that she is fed on a daily basis, was nigh on ridiculous. Cassiopeia took a deep breath to compose herself before she did what she told her uncle she was going to do and found her mother. Her mother was in fact, checking the last of her preparations for her trip to the capital. Half of her possessions were already packed in the carriage, but her mother was never one to let lie. “Mother, I have more than I could possibly need. We haven’t forgotten anything and even if we had, the capital is less than a days ride away. I can send for anything I could possibly need.” Cassi reassured her mother who sighed at her daughter, but chose not to start a fight about it. “I’m assuming your Uncle has been sent on his way?” Cecilia, Cassi’s mother, asked her and Cassi nodded, as she escorted her mother to the informal dining room. “Yes, and hopefully he should stay away this time. If he does not, you must write to me immediately mother, and send it with our fastest horse. I will not have him harassing you while I’m indisposed at the Capital.” Cassi instructed her mother, as dinner was served to them. Her mother redirected the conversation but Cassi’s mood remained troubled all evening. Cassi has arrived to the capital the day before the introduction ball, since she was quite close to the royal family and wanted some time around the castle before things got too crazy. She had taken the morning to socialize and the afternoon to get ready. She was a representative of her country, whether she was here for marriage or not. This was all derailed by her lady’s maid telling Cassi that she was pregnant. “You’re...pregnant. I see.” Cassi said, her mind whirling a million miles an hour. She couldn’t keep her here, but she needed a lady’s maid. She also didn’t have the time to train a whole new lady’s maid. It inconvenience. She of course didn’t let it show on her face, the girl already looked like she was about to pass out. “I’ll need to keep you around for a few more days, if that’s okay. Does the father know?” Cassi asked her and Katherine shook her head. “I only realized this morning ma’am.” Katherine told her and Cassi nodded slowly. “Well I’ll need your help finding a new lady’s maid. Snoop around some of the palace staff, see if you can find any rough gems, otherwise I’ll send for one from a finishing school. I want you to turn over all my washing to the palace staff and I’d like you to move into my solar.” Cassi told her. It wasn’t uncommon for lady’s maid’s to sleep in the suite, but then Cassi had always been curiously independent, but this girl had been her maid since she was 13 years old, and she owed her everything. “It wouldn’t be a problem for me to stay where I am m’lady.” Katherine protested but Cassi shook her head. “I don’t want to take any chances, you are precious to me Katherine and I want you taken care off.” Cassi told the girl who smiled gratefully at her mistress, knowing it would be difficult to persuade her otherwise. “Oh dear, I need to go down to the ball, I’m late.” Cassi took one last look at her face and hair, making sure everything was perfect. Cassi entered the ballroom from a side entrance, relatively unnoticed. She observed the participants, it was still relatively quiet, and the dancing hadn’t started yet, although it would soon even if Cassi had to start it herself. She grabbed a drink, and started slowly sipping it as she took a few moments to herself, simply watching the room as everyone discovered each other.