[CENTER][H2][b][color=slategray]E P I S O D E VI:[/color][/b][/H2][h3][sup][sup][COLOR=SILVER][B]5th DIMENSIONAL HELL[/B][/COLOR][/SUP][/SUP][/H3][/CENTER] [Color=DARKSLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]5th Dimension :[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=SILVER]July 25[SUP]th[/SUP], 2017 - 02:18 | Cartoon Skyscraper Rooftop - Toon World[/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT][/COLOR] Warden of all people had devised a plan after everyone got their wits about them. As if his memory loss also effected the way he took the whole situation in. Almost as if he felt comfortable in another dimension. His plan was simple, to just fly around and look for other teammates. Bulleteer replied... "I could carry one of you, but my flying ability is determined by keeping myself steady in the air and mostly flying straight. I don't want to fly and steer left or lower than usual and fly through a building and kill Cisco..." the helmeted hero responded. "I see you found my wife's lost pet, Supergoof..." said an ominous voice from seemingly the entire world itself. "What the **** was that?" Bulleteer asked out loud. "That Supergoof MUST be Superman! He must have a rescue team here to find us!" Vibe yelled. Eventually the team came up on Superman, Toon Girl, and Gypsy who they could see a few blocks up ahead on the rooftop of a small swaying skyscraper that looked like it came out of the Sunday Comic Strips. Superman floated towards a dwarfish man in a purple with yellow trim suit who was also just sort of hovering in the air now. "What do you mean, PET, Mxy?" Superman asked. "You know women in your dimension Superman? Sometimes they want stuff they don't need, or pets they really have no intention of taking care of themselves? Well that blue haired little beast hiding behind... who is that girl even supposed to be she doesn't look like a superhero at all? the 5th dimensional imp asked before waving his hand and changing her wardrobe to something more full bodied and leathery with a cape and hood. "Nope, I'm just not feeling this one..." he continued with another wave of his hand just making her vanish into thin air. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH GYPSY?!?" Superman exclaimed readying himself for a battle. "Don't get your tights in a bunch, I just sent her back home." Mxy replied as the other team was flown one at a time to the top of the skyscraper by Bulleteer. "So... you were getting at Toon Girl being your wife's [i][b]pet?[/b][/i] Superman asked as Toon Girl, Bulleteer, Vibe, and Warden stood ready on the rooftop with Toon Girl slowly creeping to the back of the group. "The wife picked her up at some shelter but I got tired of keeping up with her. So one day I took her leash off when we were walking and I miiiiight have opened up a portal into another dimension to send her to. I didn't mean to send her to yours, I thought it was the 4th dimension." the imp continued before catching another glimpse at a hero that didn't much look like a hero, Warden... "You Justice League folks hard up for heroes these days?" My asked. "Toon Girl is nobody's pet now. She's a valued member of the League the same as Warden, Gypsy, Vibe, and Bulleteer..." Superman responded. [sub]"Whatever you say Supes, but the guy in the red and black supersuit looks like a di..."[/sub] "Will you send us back to our dimension?" Superman asked. [@Archmage MC] [@The Angry Goat] [CENTER][H2][b][color=slategray]E P I S O D E IX:[/color][/b][/H2][h3][sup][sup][COLOR=SILVER][B]MAGNETIC NIGHTMARE[/B][/COLOR][/SUP][/SUP][/H3][/CENTER] [Color=DARKORANGE][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]ILLINOIS:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=SILVER]August 08[SUP]th[/SUP], 2017 - 04:22 |STAR Labs, Chicago[/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT][/COLOR] Question and Apollex continued rescuing scientists while both Polarity Man and Beetle attacked the helmeted master of magnetism. He used his power to deflect the attack of the blue clad bug hero and sent the debris flying elsewhere but the energy attack from the mecha hit it's mark and stunned the would-be-supercriminal. Green Lantern finally came to after being blasted through a wall. The seasoned mentor spoke into his communicator located in his ear to HQ... "Whoever is on monitor duty we need some backup. Anybody we've got that doesn't use tech. Metahumans, aliens, mystics..." Doctor Polaris had discovered all the metal parts in the mecha suit and weaponry of the Blue Beetle and ripped it out of the blue hero's suit and backpack before starting to pick the mecha apart limb by limb. That's when more heroes were teleported directly into the Lab this time. Amazing Man, Fire, and Ice were now on the scene. "HIT THIS GUY WITH EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT!" Green Lantern screamed blasting with his emerald energy as Fire and Ice poured on their elemental attacks from different sides while Amazing Man absorbed nearby energy for an electrical type of energy attack. "LARRY YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF THE SUIT! GET OUT OF THERE!" the Lantern continued yelling. Would the lieutenant make it out with the mecha still in the magnetic grip of Doctor Polaris? Did Q and A get the scientists out of harm's way? [@rocketrobie2] [@WXer] [@ineffable] [@Simple Unicycle] -00492