"Don't bring that up again." [i]*Sonic said, trying to push the thoughts of the past from his mind. He shook his head, trying to clear away the memories, at least for the time being.*[/i] [i]*Knuckles looked at Sonic, and realized how terrified he looked. Oops. Shouldn't have said anything. He was going to apologize for even mentioning it, but then he thought it probably wasn't the time to do so. Maybe later, when they got to know each other better. For, it was mostly likely better to make small talk, and hope that he didn't upset any of them. Well, until they pissed him off, but it until they did, might as well be careful, as he felt as if he was on thin ice, since he just met them.*[/i] "Now might not be the time to ask, but are you two related? You look like." [i]*Knuckles said, taking his attention from the blue male who was still trying to clear his head.*[/i]