Kakashi currently was walking through the village before starting to pass the academy, the scent of baked goods filling the air. He needed to go to his students but... he could always make up an excuse? They could wait. He also decided to get some baked goods for himself and his team. Opening the door he walked inside. He heard a yell before using his teleportation skill. He had arrived just in time, it seemed, to catch the girl, his old friend, Airi. He held her in his arms for a moment before catching the plates barely a second later. Setting her on her feet, the silver-haired man giving her a smile. “Be careful there, short stuff~ you’ll end up breaking something,” he teased. He held the plates however. “Allow me to carry these.” He walked with her toward the place encould smell the food from. He set the plates down on a table and put his hands back in his pockets. “So, how are you, Airi-Chan? It’s been a while since we’ve last talked.”