[@Captain Jenno] - this might be helpful [quote=@DeadbeatWalking] [hider=Part Two]Watchers and Watchguards are given 65 points to allocate to their stats, Greenbands are given 60. Each player gets five points to put into their equipment -- each piece of equipment must have one point at minimum, and 5 at most. One point items are somewhat broken, very old, or otherwise crappy items you wouldn't pilfer a dead mouse for, two point items are cheap, old, flimsy, or otherwise unimpressive, three point items are well-made, four point items are [i]very[/i] well made, and five point items are masterfully crafted. The higher the number is, the less likely it is to break. STR: Your character's strength, reflected in rolls for running, jumping, climbing, swimming, attacking, and intimidation. CON: Your character's constitution, reflected in rolls for resisting poison, withstanding attacks, and surviving natural disasters. DEX: Your character's dexterity, reflected in rolls for dodging, sneaking, marksmanship, and hand-eye coordination. CHA: Your character's charisma, reflected in rolls for bluffing, negotiating, lying, seducing, and performing. INT: Your character's intelligence, reflected in rolls for investigation, alchemy effectiveness, and foraging. LUC: Your chacter's luck, reflected in encounter rolls. Equipment: List it, describe it if you want, or don't. Don't forget the points. Traits: Two positive, two negative, just make four up. Specify what they give buffs or debuffs to. Once they're done I'll PM you telling you if you need revisions, or just tell you what the specific numbers of your debuffs are. Trade: Nobody has prepared all their life to be a Watcher. What did you do before you joined the Watch? Friend: An NPC mouse with a high opinion of your character who might help them. Briefly explain their reason, whether or not your mouse is aware. Enemy: An NPC mouse with a low opinion of your character who might harm them. Briefly explain their reason, whether or not your mouse is aware. History: Describe your mouse's life up to joining the Redwatch in one paragraph or less, with the brevity of a case worker or military docket.[/hider] [/quote] - Btw deadbeat, you should probably just merge this section with the CS part 1 on the OP