Velta munched on a chicken leg as she listened to to morning rain hammer the docks outside her office. Ever so often she would glance up at the sky, hoping against hope that the weather would clear up. Bad weather was bad for business, and she had a batch of slaves that needed selling soon, least they'd have to wash them off again. She paused in her chewing, her frown softening as she addressed the two other members of her staff. " When you are done with breakfast I want you to take the merchandise outside to wash off the last weeks filth. The rain's cleaner than the sea. " She seems rather pleased with herself, although soon she adds in a thoughtful manner. " You should take them out back, so people don't throw things at them. They are branded but you know how children get when it's muddy." Velta dropped the half finished chicken leg onto her plate and wiped her fingers on a moist towel. She could afford to waste food, she could even afford to feed her staff, all because she didn't waste an opportunity. However small it might seem. Clean slaves sold better than the ones that smelled. As her personal Sethkra'Vesh, which she called Lisa in fits of affection and Stinking Filth all the other time, cleared the table, Velta turned her attention to the days mail hoping it might contain something other than bills for once. ( Location: Averine city; The docks. )