[hider=Maryland] Name: Mary Littlestea, Dragon Littlestea Alias: MD, Maryland [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psZUwK9ldVg[/url] [b]Aspects[/b] High Concept: We’ll Keep Them All Safe Trouble: Friends in Low Places Origin: Just Trying to Live Growth: They Burned; Justice Burns Hotter Adventure: It’s not Vengeance if it’s Good Bio [b]Personality:[/b] [quote]Maryland, taken together, is an agent of understandable chaos. Disturbed into action by their trigger, they take the fight to protect normal humans very seriously, even if their actions may have wide-spread negative repercussions. Mary may appear young, but her will is iron and she’s willing to stand up when her overbearing sense of justice is triggered. She seems to feel a personal responsibility to anyone she meets, dolling out assistance wherever she see a possibility, and prone to pledge protection to anyone she thinks can’t provide it for themselves. This makes it easy for others to think of her as a friend, and she responds in kind, considering most people either friends or enemies; friends are to be protected, enemies are to be destroyed. Due to her monstrous appearance, Dragon gets less human exposure than Mary, though her personality is no less solid. She, too, takes the side of the weak, using her considerable power to kill and overkill anything that gets in her way. She is the more reckless of the two, but also the more natural; where Mary is calculating, Dragon’s emotions run hot and wild, making her far more transparent. She demands respect and admiration, a hero of the people in her own mind. But beyond normal friendship, which she also shares far and wide, she has a special connection to Mary, willing to obliterate anything, friend or foe, who threatens her charge.[/quote] [b]History[/b] [quote]Until a week ago, no one knew of Maryland. Now, the knowledge is widespread. They were originally parts of a high-functioning older teen with dissociative identity disorder. They had friends, though not as many as they would have liked, and took care of their mother as they could, when they could wrest control from Douglas. Mary was Mother’s favorite, and loved their trips to the parks and museums, learning with her young sense of discovery and exploration. Their mother, in return, yearned for the days that Mary would be in control, longing for the little daughter that would only come out to play rarely. Dragon was a favorite at school, the cool big girl with a miraculous skill in sports and a rebellious attitude that made her an idol to all the counter-cultures on campus. Her sudden, wild tirades against authority; the way she’d pick fights with bullies, even bigger ones, and win; her strong presence gave her a name on the blacktop and on the street, where she preferred to spend the days she had looking for trouble and dance parties. They each, in their own ways, earned Douglas and his lesser personalities friends and resentment. Mary was spending an evening with her mother and friends at the ice cream parlor when the front window shattered. She saw, as if in slow motion, the stream of burning the air as it poured from a cape into the crowded space, splashing and sticking, burning and melting as it impacted booths and humans alike. She watched her mother conflagrate, the flames eating the oxygen she would have used to scream. They never found out why that shop was attacked. It may have helped sooth their soul, prevented their rampage after the trigger split their soul into twelve parts, and only two survived. It may have given them a real target after they tore the culprit into shreds and evaporated his existence, but as it was, they were left with nothing but their memories, regrets, and powers. They vowed that it would not happen again. On their watch, no one would suffer that way again. They cleaned up those streets, the little girl with the red pelt and the being of fire that would follow in her wake, only to be forgotten as they disappeared in the smoke their blitz would leave behind. No one came for them, no one impeded their progress, but it was still not fast enough. With the Covenant disturbing the streets with more organized strikes, it may be time for Maryland to make themselves known. After all, they’ve always done well in groups.[/quote] [b]Abilities[/b] Mary – Master/Stranger, Breaker/Brute [quote]Mary’s main power revolves around the memory of those lost: she can use someone else’s memory of a dead person like a seer, recalling the dead to quiz their memory; or she can do the inverse, causing every person with memory of the deceased to forget him/her. This power only affects sentient memories, so it still leaves behind evidence in the form of video or audio recordings, though images and sounds of the forgotten will have no familiarity. Secondarily, Mary can Break, merging with Dragon to become a wolf-like dragon of vast power.[/quote] Dragon – Mover/Blaster/Shaker, Breaker/Brute [quote]Dragon’s ability revolves around the secretion of a high-energy, ignitable gas from portions of her body. She can use these to propel herself at incredible speeds. She can cause incredible destruction by leeching them into the environment and then igniting them for a widespread explosion, or by focusing the gas into a stream toward a target, igniting it for a high-intensity flamethrower effect. Secondarily, Dragon can Break, merging with Mary to become a wolf-like dragon of vast power.[/quote] [/hider]