[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjExNi4wYzQ5MDMuVjJobGJpQjBhR1VnVTJ0NUlFSnliMnRsTGk0dS4wAAAAAAAA/isabella.medium.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0MT9mkM.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjAwMDAwMC5WR2hsSUZkdmNteGtJRzExYzNRZ2FHRjJaU0JpWldWdUlHRSwuMQAAAA,,/requiem.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjAwMDAwMC5kbVZ5ZVNCa2FXWm1aWEpsYm5RZ2NHeGhZMlVnWW1WbWIzSmwuMQAAAAAAAA,,/requiem.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjAwMDAwMC5kR2hsSUhOcmVTQmljbTlyWlM0dUxnLCwuMQAAAAAAAAAAAA,,/requiem.regular.png[/img][/center] It's funny how much the unknown can scare people to death. They would rather pretend that a mystery doesn't exist at all rather than admit the fact that they're clueless about the universe. It was once thought that humans were pioneers, brave explorers, fearless in the face of the task to learn all there was to learn about the world around them. They considered themselves an unstoppable force and the only thing that could hold them back was their own lack of willpower failing to propel them to even higher and more incredible heights. They were a powerful force that nothing could reckon with, until they were all shown the harsh reality of the truth: they lived in a world where they were powerless, and somethings could never be understood. It all started when the sky broke. Above Russia, to be exact. Without warning a massive crack appeared upon the horizon, shining with a brilliant blue light that blazed in the night sky the like the Aurora Borealis. It covered the entire skyline of the tiny town it had appeared above and terrified absolutely everyone. There were accusations of attack, terrorism, aliens... But soon after one day, then two, then three days passed they begun to become fascinated by what seemed to be a harmless and unexplored phenomenon. People described it as if there was suddenly light pouring out of a fissure that broke the clouds, and for a while that was the only news story anyone talked about around the world. Researchers and respected scientists came from around the globe over the next few weeks to study it, and soon they deemed that it wasn't dangerous. It was something for the entire world to fixate on, and to fall in love with it's incredible beauty... And then it vanished. Just like that, gone. Twenty-four hours later, another opened in Brazil. This one stayed for a month just as the last, and the world tried to study and understand it with no avail before it disappeared after thirty days. The next one appeared in Africa and at that point things turned from fascination and playful joking about what people had become to call 'the Rifts' to something much more sinister. Suddenly people began to ask why these Rifts had such a firm pattern, why there were here... And what they could be doing. Every government in the world began to send people to study this Rift as quickly as possible and yet nothing anyone did to try and determine its secrets seemed to work. According to any sort of sensors or scans from their machines, the Rift didn't exist. They learned absolutely nothing about what was becoming an impossible mystery. The Rift continued to follow it's pattern of only staying for a month, this time opening up above Britain. Once it disappeared this time however, it opened back up above Russia once again. For the next year the world watched as it continued its pattern over and over again... Russia, Brazil, Africa, Britain, again and again as the world was becoming forced to face the fact that they didn't know what it was, or what it meant. However they didn't seem to be dangerous, and so the general public began to move on. For nearly a year nothing changed and the newfound phenomenon was all but passed as an occasional side-note to the average onlooker. That was then things began to change. Odd news stories began to pop about grisly murderers, impossible crimes, and horrifying accidents. At first they were brushed off and largely ignored, that was until things were suddenly proven to be impossible to avoid taking notice of when the entire world was forced to watch as a hulking beast was shown on live broadcast absolutely destroying a small town within Brazil. After this everything began to go from bad, to worse. Humans began to appear all over the world with vastly different and terrifyingly powerful abilities that defied the laws of physics and nature itself. Some could fly, others controlled the very world around them, and the entire world saw them begin to appear from no where. It didn't take long for people to realize that those who were gaining these abilities were all connected in one way: every single one of them were beneath the Rifts when they first opened. Soon these superhumans, who were quickly deemed 'Rifters' by the media, began to be subjected to hunts from the terrified people who knew nothing of these strange new abilities. Most of these people were terrified, and had no intention of ever harming anyone however that all ended now. The world was in a state of terror and it would never be the same again. [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjAxMTI1NS5WR2hsSUZKcFpuUWdWMkZ5LjEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/requiem.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][hider=The Rift Wars]The Rift Wars were the only true world war. The first two World Wars had some of the greatest superpowers in the world fighting, yes, but none could deny that the Rift Wars were the first time the entire [i]world[/i] was fighting side by side. None were safe from the cataclysm which ensued once the Rifters began to lash out in fear of being hunted. At first it was a few isolated instances which the world was able to watch in silent fear. The first attack upon Brazil by a massive, 8 foot tall beast was something which truly began to worry the world that something was wrong. Then, a freak storm in Britain which wiped out an entire bay of ships caused people to panic. Then a man appeared in Russia, crushing houses with what appeared to be nothing more than his will power and at this point the government of Russia sent out a warning to the entire world: those who had first witnessed the Rifts opening were now super-powered, and impossibly dangerous. They declared that the world must find these people, and contain them. That was when it started... The hunt for the Rifters, and the incomprehensible backlash of such a rash decision. Within less then a week reports were flooding in from all over the world of Rifters who had been hiding their abilities suddenly being forced to retaliate from the unwarranted hunt for their kind. Within less then a week world governments from all over were pleading with people not to engage or antagonize these powerful super-humans, and instead to report their whereabouts to the local police so they could be contained. It was then that things escalated beyond the point of control as one particular Rifter known as Daniel Viela sent out a video across the internet, calling for the Rifters not to stand for this injustice. It took little proof to show the world how the governments were experimenting upon the captured Rifters, and over night an army of super-humans were rising up to defend themselves. As most of the Rifters were living within Britain, this is where the Rifters began to gather in order to create a line of defense for themselves, and within less then 9 days the entire British government had been overthrown by their unstoppable abilities. At this point, with such a display of power, it seemed the world would have no choice to but to surrender to the incomparable force however the likes of Russia, America, Asia, and Canada began to spear head the project known as 'The Order'. Many international laws were broken, several were all but destroyed however none truly seemed to care. It was the worlds last line of defense to come together as one united army to attempt to subdue the out of control Rifters. With this new global super-force, and with the aid of what few Rifters were willing to give to the the new Order, year long battle would since then commence. Many, many lives were lost and the entire world would forever be changed. In the final battle, one particular Rifter attempted to wipe out millions of lives with one mass flood across Britain, which caused the most catastrophic amount damage throughout the entire war. Even with this however, the Rifters could not win against the superior tactics and numbers of the entire world and eventually were surrounded. From then, a cease-fire occurred and the world agreed to meet with the leader of the Rifters, Daniel. Eventually it was agreed that if the Order were to choose to wipe out the Rifters, the Rifters would try to take the world down with them and so it was allowed that the Rifters live in peace under three simple rules. 1. They never leave Britain, or they would be immediately executed. 2. They would never harm any human under the protection of the Order if they should choose to enter Britain for whatever reason 3. Any children had between Rifters would forever be locked under the same rules until the world could certify that the powers Rifters contained were not genetic And so from then on, the world would live in an era of unprecedented peace. The Order remained, and under the one banner things actually began to flourish. Meanwhile the Rifters were left to pick up the peaces of what was left, and even began to truly make a decent life for themselves under their new home.[/hider][/center] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjAxMTI1NS5WR2hsSUZKdmJHVWdVR3hoZVEsLC4xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,,/requiem.regular.png[/img][/center] The actual Roleplay of When the Sky Broke will be set 8 years after the Rift War. At this point, the World is very happily living under the new rule of the Order, and the Rifters are attempting to make a life for themselves within Britain. It will (obviously) focus on the Rifters as they make their lives in their different factions and how they live their lives. I plan for the plot to be fairly complex and to have a decent amount of intertwining plot lines so unless you're prepared to try and keep up, I would suggest maybe not joining this roleplay. That being said, I will only be directing a small portion of the plot! I fully encourage you all to begin developing your own narrative and storylines, and I will adjust the main plot alongside those! It's no fun just having the GM direct everything and you just be along for the ride. Get creative! [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjAxMTI1NS5WR2hsSUZKcFpuUnouMQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,,/requiem.regular.png[/img][/center] Every single Rift is unique in the type powers it gave when it first opened, and the Rift only gives its powers once. If someone was underneath it the first time it ever opened, they could gain abilities, however if they were underneath it the second time they would receive nothing. People from the same Rifts can receive different types of abilities, however they all fit a certain theme based on the Rifts. Everyone is unique in their abilities, so even if two people have powers which are similar in theme they both have ways of using them that would be different to the other. [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjIwMDMzYS5WR2hsSUZKMWMzTnBZVzRnVW1sbWRBLCwuMAAA/metal-macabre.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][hider=The Russian Rift] The Russian Rift is the most baffling to the worlds scientists, as it grants people what appears to be the ability to defy the laws of physics. Whether this is manipulating gravity, ignoring the effects of gravity, warping energy, or teleportation these people seem to entirely ignore fundamental laws of nature.There has even been one or two [i]extremely[/i] rare demonstrations of Rifters being able to have incredibly limited manipulation of time, although it seems that they can only see through time. None have been able to truly control it.[/hider][/center] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjMwMGEwMy5WR2hsSUVKeVlYcHBiQ0JTYVdaMC4wAAAA/never-speak-of.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][hider=The Brazil Rift] The Brazilian Rift is quite possibly the single most prevalent reason of why the Rifters almost won the war. It seems that the Rift gave people animalistic tendencies and abilities, giving them the name 'Hybrids'. These people seemed to have been fused with particular animals and are given abilities that animals may have, but on a far superior scale. For example if there were a hybrid of a snake, their venom would be far more deadly then any known species. The reason this Rift is so infamous however, is because of certain hybrids known as 'Titans'. These hybrids have gone entirely feral, and have appearances much closer to that of their animal parts then their human parts. They are impossibly strong, terrifyingly deadly, and seem to heal from the deadliest wounds. Most were killed within the Rifter wars, and now the only ones that are left were those which somehow managed to reign in their feral tendencies. [/hider][/center] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjQwM2QwMy5WR2hsSUVGbWNtbGpZVzRnVW1sbWRBLCwuMAAA/gds-infinity.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][hider=The African Rift] The African Rift is certainly the most mysterious and unexplored of all the Rifts, mostly due to the reclusive nature of those who come from this area. From what has been studied, it seems that this Rift has granted people the ability to manipulate their own bodies and minds. It has been studied that people from this Rift show powers of telekinesis, superior strength, shapeshifting, and mental telepathy. Often times people avoid those from these Rifts due to the fact that they simply know little about them. It is common knowledge however that the Order was able to enlist a few from this Rift in order to take down the few Titans who remained un-killable after the war. [/hider][/center] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjAzMTM0MC5WR2hsSUVKeWFYUmhhVzRnVW1sbWRBLCwuMAAA/princess-sofia.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][hider=The Britain Rift] The Britain Rift is the most common and most diverse of all the Rifts. Because it opened up above the largest population, this Rift has seen the most use of its powers. It appears to allow its users to control and manipulate the eco-sphere and nature itself in incredible ways. From controlling earthquakes and levitating stones, to causing storms and summoning waves of the ocean these people can use the earth around them as a weapon and a tool, and each is unique in their abilities to be able to do this. [/hider][/center] [center][h1]The Rules[/h1][/center] [center][hider=Rules]1. This is an advanced/casual-advanced Roleplay. This means I expect decent grammar, and more importantly meaningful posts and dialogue. I'm not super strict on the post length, the minimum will be one paragraph (maximum is however much you want to post!), but make sure that everything you post has relevance and progresses the scenes! 2. Since this is mostly advanced, things will probably move kinda slowly (after all I myself have work and a job), so the absolute minimum I expect is at least one or two posts a week. The only thing I ask is if you think you won't be able to post for a while, or you won't have time to write a good response, let us know and make sure your character isn't directly in the middle of action and we're all waiting on you. Just be responsible and I'll be understanding! 3. I tend not to be super strict, but anything I say as the GM goes. When it comes to Roleplays like this, fights between characters are [i]bound[/i] to occur. If that's the case and two characters start duking it out, decide beforehand in the OOC who will win! That way you can make the most dynamic and interesting fight possible while also knowing who's going to come out on top. If the two players can't decide who will win, I'll gladly make the most unbiased decision possible. Just keep things realistic! For example, a Titan is pretty much always going to win a 1v1, but they [i]can[/i] be outsmarted by more than one Rifter. 4. This Roleplay is 18+, meaning I encourage things to get down and gritty. Roleplays are fun if they're lighthearted, but everyone loves some darker tones to add some real depth into characters right? I won't allow smut though. If you want to take things there, feel free to take it to the PM's and then come back once your characters are done doing the nasty. 5. If I, or any elected Co-GM's, ask you to change something you must do it. I'm okay with some discussion about it but if it ends up being the final law, that's that. No good comes from constantly arguing with the people who only want whats best for the Roleplay. This also means if someone acts up to much, we definitely reserve the right to ask them to leave. It's all about working together to make the best story! 6. And then there's all the obvious rules. No power-gaming, meta-gaming, God-mode, ect. ect. If you're in advanced you know this stuff by now. Play fair, play nice, and have fun![/hider][/center]