The short version was "it worked". The long version was that now someone had been stabbed, no doubt there were plenty of minor injuries going around as well, and Emily didn't want to know what was happening to Junks right now. It sounded painful. Perhaps it was fair, then, for Emily to prefer the short version. In any case, none of that was really her problem. What was her problem? Her knuckles hurt and she couldn't find the girl who had her lunch. What was her solution? Get annoyed and get even more annoyed. On the other hand, the aforementioned someone was lying under a table with a knife in his stomach. Did he need help? Probably not. Security would be here soon, and then he'd be patched up. Besides, there were dozens of people here. If it was that bad, one of them could help him. Emily had more important things on her mind. "Jarod! Jarod!" Emily called out for the smaller girl, but her voice was lost among the riot. "Damn it, Jarod, you have my food!"