Jax nodded, thinking that she would win in this battle of words,"[color=39b54a]Deal! I promise to allow this only if you can convince me that I deserve it.[/color]" Jax sucked in a breath, and put her hands on her hips,"[color=39b54a]Okay first off, I earn what I make! How can you tell me I have honestly earned this. My exorcism money wouldn't even cover half of blade![/color]" She paused then continued,"[color=39b54a]Second off, I am nowhere near the level that I should own a Valgotl scythe! This is top of the line craftsmanship. A scythe this precious should be in the hands of a grand master, not someone in my level.[/color]" She paused waiting for his retort. "[color=f26522]Well you earned it because you were kind to me,[/color]" Morthos told her, "[color=f26522]isn't there some story about a god who would disguise themselves as a beggar and when someone helped the god they gave the person great riches? It's like that, clearly, I'm not a god, but becoming friends has given you a great gift.[/color]" He thought that was a good enough point, the second one was a bit of a stretch but he thought he knew what to say. "[color=f26522]As for your second point, I think the sooner you get it the more powerful you'll become. These scythes are custom made to your power level, and they grow with you. The demon blood makes them somewhat sentient, and as you grow so will the scythe.[/color]" Jax crossed her arms wanting to debate the first one but knowing she would never get him to understand that being someone's friend was something so simple to her. The second point was fair. She knew the scythes grew as she did but still. The people who owned them only received these gifts due to great feats they overcame. Jax bit her lip then spoke evenly,"[color=39b54a]I don't deserve it..because..because I want to be the best Morthos. I want to beat everyone who comes my way and even though I want to do it to protect people there is a part of me who wants it because...because of pride. I want people to look at me as strong. Not a weak human girl who can draw a fucking pentagram.[/color]" She turned around, not wanting to look at him as she kicked a rock down the road, shoving her hands in her pockets,"[color=39b54a]I don't deserve it because..I'm not a good person...not when I could be better.[/color]" [color=f26522]"Jax, look at me,[/color]" he grabbed her and spun her so she faced him, then took her face in his hands to make her look him in his pure orange eyes. "[color=f26522]Do you think everyone who walks through those doors does it with noble intentions? Lots of people just want to be powerful, and they'd do anything to get what they want. You're already better than them because you didn't accept my offer immediately.[/color]" Their faces were close, he could feel her breath on his skin and he was sure she could feel his, "[color=f26522]and I'm not sure how much this will mean coming from me, but I think you're a pretty great person.[/color]" Before she could respond and before he could think himself off the ledge he kissed her. Now you've done it, idiot Morthos chided himself, she said no relationship, now you're kissing her. Jax was about to argue when he kissed her. She paused, her arms twitching for a few seconds before she arched into him. She gripped his jean jacket to roughly kiss him back with a fire she only reserved for her sexiest moments. Suddenly she stopped and she pushed him away from her. She let out a gasp her breath choppy,"[color=39b54a]Fine! You win. I will let you buy me the damn scythe.[/color]" She touched her lips then walked over to Morthos punching him in the shoulder her expression serious but flushed,"[color=39b54a]But that means you have to wear the crown of my best...friend. Friend. Morthos.[/color]" She looked at him harshly, her eyes pleading with him to understand, "[color=39b54a]Please..be my friend.[/color]" The kiss ended almost as fast as it had begun and Morthos was kind of speechless. Jax was pleading for him to just be her friend, she clearly didn't want to hurt him, and Morthos understood, even if it made him a bit sad. "[color=f26522]Right, friend, ya...ya, of course.[/color]" He paused a moment as he went to open the door, "[color=f26522]um, I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry. Is that.....is that okay?[/color]" Morthos felt bad after all Jax had done to try and make sure he got the message they were just friends, but in that moment he just felt something between them. Jax saw that she crushed him with her rejection. She knew exactly what he wanted and the very physical part of her wanted it to. Tension had been brimming all day and the outlet was fantastic. God the boy could kiss. She was still flushed, and she appreciated that he didn't fully apologize for kissing her. He couldn't help himself, that thought made her more on edge then she thought. She shut those thoughts down immediately though. She had a plan and she was sticking to it, regardless of how much she wanted to just reach over and kiss him again. She smiled at him as he opened the door and put on a teasing face,"[color=39b54a]Don't be sorry. It was good...really good. It just can't happen again.[/color]" She poked him in the nose, smirking as she walked in almost running into a small old goblin with blue skin, a green beard, and glasses, "[color=39b54a]Uh...Hello.[/color]" "[color=00aeef]Yes? What do you want? It doesn't matter, my master will have no time for riffraff such as yourself, get out.[/color]" The goblin was direct and to the point, Morthos was going to say something when he heard a voice from the back call out, "[color=9e005d]Be nice Oggic, let them in and you get back to your work.[/color]" Oggic just grumbled, "[color=00aeef]The master has taken a liking to you, consider yourselves lucky.[/color]" Morthos took Jax's arm in his and walked with her to the back. Behind the curtain they found a man in front of a smithing table, he was bent down, working on finishing up what seemed to be a sword of some sort. The room was full of any weapon you could imagine, and tools of all sorts. The man straightened and turned around, taking off a large set of goggles. He was bald, but it looked like he shaved his head on purpose. He was dark skinned and had very nice features, Morthos didn't swing that way but he could admit the guy was good looking. "[color=9e005d]I'm Hardon Valgotl, I've been observing you outside my shop for the last few minutes since you got here.[/color]" Morthos felt a little odd knowing he was being watched out there, especially considering what had happened, Valgotl continued, "[color=9e005d]You don't have to worry about making your case. You already have with your discussion outside, the real way to learn about someone is to hear them when they're not putting on a show. Jax, I'll make you your scythe, leave me your contact information and I'll let you know when it's done. Morthos, I'll discuss a price with you another day so leave your information as well.[/color]" Jax squealed at his acceptance of her, and did a strange victory dance,"[color=39b54a]Oh THANKYOU! THANKYOU THANKYOU! OH YEAH! I'M CHOSEN! I'M WORTHY! I'M WORTHY!!! EEEEEE!!!!!!!!![/color]" She ran up to the little goblin giving every single detail of her information, and three addresses in case the information was lost. She hugged Morthos and danced about,"[color=39b54a]BEST BIRTHDAY GIFT EVER! Shit AHHHHH!!!![/color]" She did another dance, non-stop talking the entire visit. After they finished gabbing at the shop, they finished off the last of their shopping with some new black boots and some potions for Ophelia. There last stop was at the Barber where Morthos got a haircut. Once this was done they headed back to Jax's place, opening the door to the smell of Ramen and Ophelia on the couch.