[@t2wave][@Crossfire] Unable to turn down the invitation of a hot drink, Kaeci helped himself soon after Harriet.[color=a187be] "Iz...ehr, infiltration? Human warfare iz facinatink...but zehr iz rules, ah?"[/color] he asked, confused about the extent of common perception as he was still alive and found this detail to be an interesting note. The excuse he'd been giving was that he was likely cheating in some respect, somehow apparently oblivious to his advantages as his tools were simply biology and instinct rather than technology. Kaeci took his coffee black with a fairly large amount of sugar, seeing little point to creamer which merely dulled the bite of the roast. [color=a187be]"I haf pets ouf a sort. Zehy are contained, zough hungry I vould imagine"[/color] he mused, having left Exctheis in its terrarium; a smaller setup than its food, though it didn't move around much, Kaeci decorated it anyway for 'morale'. [color=a187be]"Vill be okay for now, zough~"[/color] he chirped, finishing stirring his drink and holding it close for a long black forked tongue to lap at the cup's contents. He recoiled, what seemed like a section of his face lifting and contorting into a grotesque spider-like sneer that lightly clicked in its twitching motions. [color=a187be]"Geh...iz hot"[/color] he mused, spiked ripples of brilliant amber contrastingly mixed with a sickly mint green hue washing across his face and neck before dissipating. Kaeci's face softly reset to the otherwise aesthetically pleasingly crafted ruse, the lines on his face and chin that separated plates and split mandibles neatly settling.