Commander Qorq didn't trust these stones. His subordinates claim that they are perfectly fine, but Hekaga was not known for its honesty, to say the least. "Check the stones again," he ordered, to the grumblings of the working troops. They were quickly silenced with a glare. "Dracons will go out of their way to destroy an innocent kobold, know that. They will force a kobold into slavery, even if it is not efficient for them, for in dracon philosophy, they see their suppression of freedom and kobold ingenuity as a matter of principle. Now check them again!" All he found in return were mutterings of dissent. _____________________________ "His Might wishes your presence at the imperial court," came a voice behind the entwined pair. Kutur jumped away from Kali, and quickly returned back to his shy demeanor. "But, I-" "He says its a matter of the future of the empire, magister," "Well . . . if you say so . . . " Kutur said, grabbing his robe and slipping it back on. It was still wet.