"There are Aetherium samples in Alinor's academic collections, to be sure," Lunise answered almost reassuringly. "For the longest time they have been seen more as a curiosity than anything else. Research expeditions are expensive and difficult, especially within the Cyrodilic empire, so most scholars of elven history settle for researching the closer Ayleid ruins. Dwemer have a certain austere charm to them, but their priorities are not as engaging to most in the Isles. With a few exceptions of their devices." Lunise gave a sideways glance. "A human emperor commanding a Dwemer-built mechanical colossus with a power source charged with what amounts to a shard of an old god tends to turn even the most jaded of eyes." The conversation progressed while Sabine prepared dinner. It was not a complicated dish but it was delicious all the same. Steamed vegetables salted and buttered to perfection alongside a white meat with a gamey flavour. Lunise mistakenly took it for some kind of sea creature and was corrected by Sabine. It was chaurus meat. That moment was the closest any of them had seen Lunise to going sickly pale. However, she composed herself after a break from eating. Sabine's reassurance that anything poisonous or unclean was not in the meat she used was grounds enough for Lunise to eventually finish her meal. Though Karl was evidently a quiet person, he began to relax his nerves after long enough in Meesei and Lunise's presence. He would sometimes lower his voice when Lunise had her condescending lines, though he was otherwise courteous and good humoured. As they approached the end of their meal around the fire, Sabine put her bowl on her lap and spoke. "Meesei, what part of Thorn were you intending to visit? I would have told Ariel if we had more time in advance." Sabine had visited Ariel on only one occasion since she learned how to teleport on her own. Her continued letters revealed that she had three very young children now. To walk in and try to pull her away for a surprise outing would put much pressure on her. [hr] Oswall brought up his hands. "I understand. I would hear other ideas." A gap of silence in the meeting eventually drew Fendros to speak up again. "As it stands, we are going to put Ahnasha and Sabine under significant risk in this mission," Fendros explained, eyeing everyone. "If our most reliable idea so far is to employ undead, we will have to discuss how we are going to go about it. Now, I know it is against the principles of many in this room, I understand your reservations. But hear me out, for I believe we can undertake this in a more agreeable manner." Fendros put one finger on the table in front of him. "First, I would only allow the council to consider undead in this; a dire circumstance. Do'rhajul presents a great threat to us and the clans and will stop at nothing unless we turn him or deal with him." A second finger on his hand uncurled. "Second, we will not use undead in any capacity but to slow the enemy down. They cannot replace our warriors and they do not pose a significant threat while our enemy is armed with silver. Third, we will not raise people if we do not have to. If we can make undead chaurus or wild animals, I would rather see them than spit on the graves of those with friends and families. Fourth, we will not use this as a precedent to allow undead to become regular in this war. We have the upper hand, and to use undead widespread would threaten the unity of our clans at this pivotal time." Fendros put his hands together again. "Now, are there any objections?" A grumble sounded from Oswall. "Fendros, I have respect for you and your pack, but not even the Empire and the Dominion use undead in warfare. They spread rot and violence and are used irresponsibly at every turn. They are the mark of those with no compunctions, no thoughts for the world of the sanctity of the dead." He lifted his chin. "But I understand that we are at war. All I shall say is that if this goes wrong, if this gets out or is abused..." He pointed to Fendros. "It will be on your head. And I shall be leaving this council until such time as you excuse yourself from our clan."