Anom didn’t make an effort to lash out at the cats just yet. They were small, swift, and so far hadn’t shown themselves to be of any threat to him anyways, and as such he felt no motivation in doing so. He disliked pointless cruelty, and killing them now would seem to be just that. Instead his sight remained focused on the man leading the cats. “What is he up to?” He pondered just in time to have a cat thrown his way. He didn’t flinch or appear to panic when it managed to latch onto his helmet with it’s claws. How strong could this cat actually be? He reached up calmly yet swiftly with his left hand to grasp around it’s body and make a move to yank it off. While his vision was obscured he listened for any sign of movement from the man, his sword at the ready to lash out if he made an attempt to get close during this distraction, which was likely his goal. While he’d show mercy to the cats for the time being, if this villain made a move on him now he couldn’t accurately make any response that would ensure his foes safety while still dealing with the threat, so the man would have brought it on himself should he be gravely injured here. He heard the little pitter patter of cat feet below him but they didn’t latch on, simply running past. Were they wild animals simply fleeing or sentient beings with a plan? Or perhaps controlled by him? Thwap! He felt a sticky mass practically explode against his right gauntlet, fusing his hand to his blade from the feel of things. That weird man who was running onto the scene? Anom scowled inside his helmet, his left hand becoming more forceful to fling the cat off of him. Sure he might injure the cat far worse now, but he needed proper view of what was occurring or things could swiftly take a turn for the worse. In case another attack would come from more distance man he took a large step backwards with his right foot leading, hoping to throw off the aim of another shot, while the four daggers being created on his upper arms telekinetically flew off in the location where he knew the man was last.