Octavia peaked out from the doorway of the bunker and made visual confirmation that the two or three remaining enemies from the closest squad were still pinned down, which they were. Seeing what she needed to, the Mute Guardswoman glanced to her side to make certain that the rest of her squad were making it into the bunker in good time. She noted that quite a few of them seemed shaken, the pale doctor in particular seemed unnerved. She didn't blame him. What they all needed to realise, however, was that here, even against fellow humans, they killed with the righteousness of the Emperor Himself. As long as they stayed the course of faith, surely they would prevail. Octavia leaned out of the doorway and cracked off a few more shots to hold the other squad down as the last few members of her squad scrambled into their temporary stronghold. One enemy fired wildly over the top of the wall he was using. Sloppy. The footfalls of the fellow legionnaires entering the bunker distracted the Guardswoman momentarily, however, enough that she did not notice the enemy legionnaire priming a grenade to toss into the building. Unfortunately for the enemy soldier, her attention was not grabbed for long. Reacting quickly, Octavia snapped her weapon up and fired off three quick shots. The first scarlet beam severed the enemy penal legionnaire's throwing arm, sending the grenade (and the arm) bouncing into a pile of debris. The second beam punched a clean hole through his chest and sent the effective-corpse into the ground. The third beam missed entirely and singed a piece of metal further beyond the other squad. A few moments later the grenade detonated, sending the mutilated body skittering across the ground before it came to rest on a rusted hulk of metal. Satisfied for the moment, Legionnaire Westerlund let her weapon fall at ease for the moment. Keenly aware of the two remaining enemy who were firmly entrenched outside the bunker, she began to think of a way to flush them out. Looking over the other members of the squad, Octavia noticed that the one called Tigranes seemed to be fairing well compared to the others. He would serve for the next step of her plan. Taking her right hand off the trigger of her las-carbine she gestured at him with a "follow me" motion followed by a point at the grenades which hung around his belt and a quick jerk of her head towards the incoming lasfire which scorched the stone of the bunker. Mostly confident that he understood her (and semi-lamenting her inability to take direct command of the squad) she set her carbine against the wall and took a grenade in her left hand, splaying her hand out in front of her as a makeshift timer. Folding her thumb into her palm first she counted mentally. [i]Five.[/i] Her pointer finger was next. [i]Four.[/i] She flicked the pin off of the explosive, careful to press the handle down tightly. Index. [i]Three.[/i] Ring. [i]Two.[/i] Small. [i]One.[/i] She let the handle propel itself off before lobbing the device out of the bunker door and (if He is kind) into the waiting arms of the enemy. Ducking quickly back behind the safety of the stone structure, the Mute Legionnaire waited for the telltale blasts and subsequent ringing that followed.