"Oh, I was not really planning on going into the city itself." Meesei answered. They were essentially done eating, though Meesei still intended to bring some wine with them that they could share later in the evening. She was sure that they would be wanting to stop and relax at some of the other destinations. "We could visit her if you really wanted to, but I would not want to do anything to disturb her. Do you remember that flower grove overlooking the ocean, south of the city? I wanted to spend some time there. In fact, could you help me with the portal?" She requested. Creating a portal with two people was faster than doing so alone, so once Sabine was ready, it was not long after that they had an open portal linking Blackreach to Thorn. If Sabine remembered the area well enough, she would not be surprised by the sight they stepped into, but that would not make it any less impressive. Like anywhere in the marsh, it was quite hot and humid, but the area around them looked like anything but a swamp. All around them was every color of flower that one could imagine, stretching in both directions along the edge of the sand as far as they could see. The trees were not as thick as they were deeper in the swamps, and on their other side facing the water, the sky was completely open. As such, there was plenty of light from the stars and waxing moons above. The trees too were colorful, between their leaves, budding flowers, and even fruit. Some were not native, and had been planted by locals to enhance the location's beauty, which was something that had certainly been accomplished. --- Regardless of how Fendros took Oswall's outburst, Ahnasha did not have as much patience or self-control as he did. She was not as practiced at being politically-minded as he was, so she was more prone to giving into her anger. And anger she had. "I don't care how it goes, I don't need your threats and ultimatums, Oswall. I just volunteered to walk right into the den of the enemy, in what is likely going to be the single riskiest mission of this war. I did that without hesitation, for the benefit of you, your family, and this entire clan. But if you had your choice, you would have me go in without any sort of effective reinforcements, just because it makes you uncomfortable to reanimate some dead animals. If I did that, if I went in there without reinforcements and died because of it, would you be the one to walk up to my son and tell him his mother was dead? Unless you have an actual alternative that keeps me from taking suicidal risks, then you have no right to criticize anyone." "Oh, and just to let you know, the Empire [i]does[/i] make use of necromancy. The College of Whispers studies necromancy officially and legally. And I'm certain the Thalmor have something to do the same. You know they won't let go of magic like that." Ahnasha added.