These streets were more filled with rats than the last town, that was for sure. Vaia had only come into town two nights ago and she already hated it. Still this town, Rat-stench Sea-place or whatever unmemorable name the town had, was one of many stops on her roaming about to find a job. The type of job she wanted was the type that required walking through filth and shoving the occasional thief back into their alley, if only so that she could find someone hiring. It wasn’t as if Pirates could have their “recruitment” out in the open where the militia could see, after all. For a moment, Vaia became lost in thought, pondering how she had managed to become lost in the streets, when she found herself stumbling. She juggled her wight for a few paces before catching her balance. Confused, Vaia turned to look at what she’d tripped over and found a drunk fool laying in the street. Her eyes narrowed, as she looked him over briefly, before taking a look at her surroundings. Ah, this was the place. The muffled noise of a crowd filled her ears, over the sound of rain, and the sign hanging above her head further confirmed the thought. She had finally found the Knife’s Edge. A deep sigh escaped Vaia as she opened the tavern door and walked inside. What a [i]crowd[/i]. While she expected as much, Vaia still felt some sense of annoyance toward them. She hated crowds. As she stood in the door, Vaia immediately caught sight of a gathering thicker than the other tables. If the rumors had been true, this was the crew she was searching for. Moving to the side of the entrance, Vaia took a position against the wall. Briefly she recounted the information she knew as she examined the men at the table. The dwarf and the elf were the most prolific of the bunch, as had the rumors described. Finally confident about their identity, Vaia strode forward, suddenly becoming aware of how much she stood out from the crowd. The shield upon her back, the scimitar, and the fact that her eyes were the only uncovered part of her face would likely draw attention. This was a melting pot of peoples but there weren’t many like her here, so it seemed. While she hadn’t planned on “making an entrance”, she supposed this probably was one, especially with the sight of the man sent away from the table before her-- he was practically generic rabble. From a glance she could tell that man, the one sulking as he left the table, probably wasn’t nearly as skilled as she was. Were they already weeding out the trash? Well. Maybe it was good to stand out after all. [i]"Next.”[/i] Vaia stepped forward silently. [i]"Tell me friend, what's your story?" [/i] Having answered this question, in one form or another, for years, Vaia didn’t have to put much thought to her answer, for it was quite automatic now. In a harsh voice with a thick accent she answered, [color=D2B48C]“I am Vaia. You seek a crew. I bring to you my skills in combat. Trained and fought for nineteen years. Bodyguard and mercenary. Hand to hand combat trained with sword and board specialty, crossbow at a range. Need you fighter or one to teach others to fight, I can do so. If proof of my skills you need, I can show you.”[/color] With that final statement, Vaia tapped a book sized pouch on her hip, then told the man, [color=D2B48C]“I bring proof as flesh and bones from my enemies, yes.”[/color] This was all said with the calm of familiarity-- as if she were simply speaking of the weather. Vaia clicked her tongue then waited patiently for reply.