Something about this tunnel was off. Alice paused before it and took in the sights. Physically nothing was special, it was just like any other exit to the room, but magically it was powerful and grating. She moved to the door's mouth and was surprised to hear a dulling rush in her ears as she did, she hissed lightly in irritation. She had only encountered something like this before a few times before and all of those instances seemed unrelated. She knew that this was highly unlikely to be of Dwarven origin, and her mind jumped to the conclusion that it must be Dark Elf! She chastised herself, there was no proof of that, and yet there were the Elven artefacts around... Surprisingly Settionne had also detected this oddity, though she wouldn't have known it if he hadn't talked to her. "We are, of course, going to have to investigate whatever's in that tunnel my lady." the wispy silhouette said, the tone distorted by the aura but still recognisable. "It is only right that we take on this burden for the good of the team, after all." Once again distorted, it wasn't hard for Alice to imagine malice behind it. However he knew about this tunnel's awfulness must leave him in a much less uncomfortable state than her, and that left her at a disadvantage. She considered her options, and did what she probably would have done anyways. To start with she pulled Settionne away from the entrance, and quickly said to him [color=royalblue]"Do not speak near the entry, your voice will travel down it's entire length."[/color] Once again calling on her experience of underground expeditions she definitely thought that whatever was down there was something she did not want to notify they were there just yet. She moved away herself before calling out to her comrade "Geradin!" she shouted, hoping she had got his attention, [color=royalblue]"This tunnel feels... Bad news. Want to aid in reconnaissance?"[/color] She knew that the experienced cleric of Ragnarok would be very helpful in either identifying the aura or helping to explore it, being a dwarf as well. And if they found trouble she trusted his martial prowess much more than the priests or her own. [@POOHEAD189][@Banana][@BCTheEntity][@Fetzen]