Quick jabs, vicious uppercuts, and monstrous hooks thundered against the sand filled punching bag of the dingy boxing gym. The place was empty, had been for some hours now, sans the boxer that was making use of the sparring equipment. A thick hoodie hung oddly loosely over the boxer, almost as if it were too big for his body. He was strangely quiet, aside from the sounds of his fists hitting the bag. Even he had lost track of the time, unaware that the hour was late and the only people outside were users of some new street drug that promised magical powers, and people who promised sex for pay. As his fists slammed against the bag, a familiar tapping sound began to intermingle with the loud thudding sound, causing him to peer around for just a moment. He was not comforted by the presence that greeted him. It was [I]The Liaison[/I], an otherworldly, possible God, that seemed impervious to being touched by anything. He, at times, acted like the agent of the boxer - much to the chagrin of both parties. [B]Tre'Yan T'Mass, the deceased boxer of other dimensional origin, currently on a losing streak, but a former champion in a past life. Still here, still training. That's good, very good.[/b] Liaison said, looking around the gym with a face of disgust. He was accustomed to places of uncleanliness, but that did not mean he enjoyed it. Tre'Yan, ever the stoic, did not reply. But the words the man spoke were the truth. He had been a champion, perhaps the greatest boxing champion the world had seen. And yet now, in his after life, he was on a losing streak befitting of a newcomer to the boxing world. He slammed his right fist against the bag once more, letting it swing back heavily, before catching it and bringing it to a halt. Turning back to the man, he turned his head to the well dressed Liaison and tilted his head to the left. [B]It is incredibly hard to get you booked, to get you to break this slump. You last few matches, against Jake 'The Under' Taker, Dyayun, and Cho, have resulted in you losing.[/b] He tapped the floor of the gym and appeared in the ring. [B]Luckily for you, I have friends in many places and you still have people that see you as some mighty champion.[/b] Liaison cracked a smile, letting his eyes glance towards a corner of the gym. Tre'Yan, trained to watch the body language of those around him caught the movement, though brief and looked in that direction as well. What he saw was of little surprise. Liaison's newest lapdog, the former Way of the Warrior champion, whose life until recently had been devoted to killing Liaison, stood in wait. [B]Don't worry, he is not your opponent. None wish to see you die so easily.[/b] The smile became a smirk. [B]No, you'll be fighting a martial arts master. It seems his trainer would like him taken down a peg.[/b] Both knew that Tre'Yan would not turn down this supposed bout. He needed to be in the ring, he needed to regain some measure of credibility. Three losses was stuff for any fighter worth their salt. He asked a simple question, the only one he needed, [b]Where?[/b] Liaison would not form an answer, instead, he tapped the ground with his cane once more, allowing the room to be filled with a disembodied voice as Tre'Yan's location changed. [I]"Tre'yan T'Mass, the Chamber of Dreams calls upon you as a champion! Come to us, so that we may strengthen our spirits and bodies against the strength of your fists!"[/I] The boxer never took his eyes off of Liaison, he genuinely did not like the man, but he could not argue with the fact he was able to get him matches, high profile matches. For the first time that evening Tre'Yan was surprised, he was not expecting that the change of location would bring him to a boxing ring. Almost immediately, his body became comfortable and his mind cleared. There were two other people in the vicinity, it was not hard to determine which would be his opponent. He slipped his hands up and grabbed the hood of his attire and slipped it off. [Center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/59/80/23/598023b65acb1362b4aab4b8d36032fa--pokemon-games-pokemon-stuff.jpg[/img][/center] This point of matches usually sparked some type of shock in his opponents. He was not a flesh and blood person, but a skeletal being, with bones forming a sort of jagged head. A brown loin cloth hung down from his waist towards his legs. His tail swished back and forth, but was it out of annoyance or anticipation. Boxing tape was wrapped heavily around his fists, and some around his thigh, his lower legs and feet. [B]You,[/b] he said, almost as a whisper, [b]Come.[/b] He indicated his opponent, as he stepped backwards in the ring, granting the other some space. His right side pushed forward, arm slightly bent, fist forward. His left hand was bent to, but instead of being extended, it was hooked across his chest. Tre'Yan's right foot was slid forward, to which he began to slightly bounce. He was ready to strike at any moment. The truth of him was simple, stick the to fundamentals - solid strikes and better footwork. Would this martial arts, a master of fighting versus a master of sweet science. His breathing was calm, startling so, but that was what happened in each of his matches. The calm before the storm.