[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/m5AP3ML.png[/img] [COLOR=lightsteelblue][sup][b][img]https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/5/5b/Amegakure_Symbol.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/25?cb=20090830222820[/img] Amegakure no Sato | S-rank | Leader of Amegakure[/b] [/sup][/COLOR][/center][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=lightsteelblue][b]TIME:[/b] [i]Present Day - Morning[/i] | [b]LOCATION:[/b] [i]Konohagakure - Medical-center, room 201, [/i] | [b]INTERACTION:[/b] Kaito Chosokabe, [@Ganryu]; Sayuri Nisshoku, [@Write], Koma Hitsugi, [@GlitchyBugger][/color][/sup][/INDENT] Yogensha's mind calculated every single option presented to her by her protege and assistant and within a second had an answer ready. Her speed of thinking was [i]“None of Amegakure's students are in the forest of death. I don't think it is a coincidence that whoever attacked us decided to do it on this day. Whoever or whatever is behind this, they are surely to be found in that forest too. Although charging towards the danger seems like a fine idea any other day of the week, I think we should pass just this once.”[/i] Shrewd as she may have been, she was not entirely stupid. She would not throw her life away in favour of the Tsuchikage or Hokage either. In fact, under the same circumstances she would've escaped the fight to retreat and re-arrange her thoughts to formulate a new strategy. It seemed that that was out of the question now that they had picked up an Iwagakure nin as backup. Though Yogensha was calculating and cold when needed due to her pragmatic approach to leadership, she was not so cruel as to leave this new girl to her fate as they ran away back to Amegakure. [i]“Sayuri, map a route to the highest point in this village. I want to feel the same breeze I can feel when I stand atop my residence in Amegakure.”[/i] It was the truth, although Sayuri would have troubles finding a building that reached as high as her own residence. Amegakure was renowned for it's tall buildings and towers that seemed to reach into the sky endlessly, with smoke bellowing from each and every one of them as the industry roared. Yogensha's residence was the highest of them all - an apt vantage point, and a good place to meditate. [i]But,[/i] the tallest building would have to suffice. It mattered very little that neither the Tsuchikage or the Hokage were going to be at that precise building. They would prepare to leave, with the team being a topnotch team of Amegakure nin and a stand-in Iwagakure nin. But Kaito had a different idea, it seemed, as he proposed to stay behind. Of course, normally, she would have denied such a request. It was unthinkable for her to abandon her students in the face of a threat. But Kaito was right - he was limited in his mobility and there were places where he would've been better off. She glanced away from the group, diverting her eyes as she weighed the options, before looking back. She sighed deeply before speaking up about his suggestion. [i]“If the Sage of the Six Paths wills it. Very well. But I will ask you to divert your attention to a new goal I am setting for you.”[/i] She paused, either for dramatic effect or to decide on how to word things. Even when the hospital was, quite literally, crumbling around her, she still seemed to find times to word things eloquently or in a motivational manner. Then, her voice boomed. [b][i]“I hereby declare this hospital to be part of Amegakure! I am annexing this hospital!”[/i][/b] Her eyes turned serious, and she looked at Kaito as if she was imparting him with a mission that would either safe or destroy Amegakure. [i]“Remember the Amegakure code. In the defense of Amegakure we give [b]everything.[/b] The defense of this hospital is now your sole purpose!”[/i] She was right - the utmost loyalty and sacrifice was expected from Amegakure shinobi in the defense of their land, their country, their people. And now she had officially ordained the hospital as part of Amegakure, effectively annexing it. Normally, an act of war. Now, a sign of preparedness to defend the innocent people that were stuck in the hospital. Effectively, Kaito was now ordained to give everything, even his life, to defend this 'piece of Amegakure.' She gave a firm, astute nod at the boy, before turning around and heading for the hole at the far end of the hallway. Sayuri and Koma were expected to follow, and then Sayuri would be given charge of leading them through a safe path to the highest point of the city. [i]“Sayuri,”[/i] Yogensha spoke to her, hushing her voice slightly as she surveyed the area around them. Her eyes spoke of alertness, though her body spoke calm and peace. [i]“Make sure to avoid places where we might be ambushed. I get the feeling that whoever did this will probably hang around. And if you can locate the Tsuchikage or other Iwagakure nin...”[/i] She glanced back at Koma, who was a bit away from her and Sayuri, before continuing.. [i]“Please inform our friend here to their location. She deserves to fight side by side with her fellow Iwagakure nin.”[/i]