Zeke's grin when he bumped to her was the happiest little thing Lyra had seen in a while, and whatever dark thoughts she was holding about the forest vanished. "Careful," she muttered softly, grinning herself. Zeke's smiles were infectious, and it was always so sweet and charming, the sort of smiles people write songs about. Happy songs, the sort you'll play to commemorate a day with perfect blue sky like this. There was also something about Zeke's gray eyes, how they looked at the entire world as if they were trying to snap it all up, and then, then they had found the right spot, they'd just sit down and listen. Can eyes listen? It was the word that popped into Lyra's head when Zeke was staring at the ticket master. [i]Staring[/i] was definitely not the right word. They way he was looking then was just the way Lyra's teacher had looked when a recording was being played. It was fascinating to see how fascinated he could be. Lyra shook her head. She shouldn't stare at people either. She felt a tug on her hand, and after taking her tickets, she let Zeke pulled her into the car. There were a couple of older students in the car, some carried bags or equipments. Lyra amused herself for a moment by guessing what they could be in them. The black case that guy was carrying there was definitely a guitar, and the long tube that the girl with hairband was carrying, it probably contained a rolled paper. A drawing, a painting, or maybe even some elemental device. And then Lyra felt something missing from his hand. [i]"Sorry," he mumbled into his palms. "Now your hand's all sticky and I'm..."[/i] Oh, he'd been holding her hand, hadn't he? She didn't mind. Now it almost felt like she was missing something. "Nah, it's okay, Zeke." But those eyes were looking out the window now, at the changing scenery. Lyra looked out as well, but it was her ears that were open. She remembered trams and trains and all sorts of public transports when her father had taken her to the city, and they were all noisy in one way or another. This tram, though. It was moving, definitely moving, she could see they were going downhill, but there was barely a sound. What sorts of device powers it? Seeing as there is the Academy, it could be some manner of elemental contraption or something or other. Oh, her father would love to know more about that. But the trip was over far too soon, and the older students were starting to file out of the car even as Lyra was distracted by her hypothesising.