Mikihara led the group through what seemed to be a relatively small castle. The walls were built from white stone, and the floor was a polished white marble as well. It struck Ryūko as odd that there was nobody else around. Maybe if they were in a computer, some kind of subroutine or whatever cleaned things up? She glanced at her companions, feeling just a little bit outnumbered in her subconscious "battle-of-the-sexes" wariness. Soon Norn had led them to a balcony looking out over the town of Nyttliv. For all it was worth the place looked like a village you'd see in a fantasy film: simple, sturdy huts with thatched roofs, with one or two being made from bricks and mortar. Again, Ryūko couldn't see anyone or anything, except for what appeared to be a large dog loping down the street. Past the huts and other buildings was a wall, made from tree trunks, giving the area a very pioneer-esque look. Then there was a single road, a thick forest, and-- Ryūko's jaw dropped as she looked up into the sky. The sky itself was normal... except for the [I]giant mountains floating in the air[/I], tethered to the ground below by roots and vines ranging from the width of a man to as thick as a city bus. Norn seemed satisfied ast tBhuttoe girl's reaction. "Is this sufficient evidence of my claims?"