[img]http://blog.flamingtext.com/blog/2017/09/23/flamingtext_com_1506195071_502888158.png[/img] [@KatherinWinter], [@FreeElk], [@Simple Unicycle], [@Raptra], [@bloonewb], [@KahleenCuthald], [@King Tai], [@ineffable], [@FalkiThomas], [@HumanMusic], [@SantosGabriel77], [@DriveEMOut], [@Raccoon Eyes] Roxy understood their concern. While the city was big with several Nobel man. Not many of them had the kind of money she was talking about. She knew that she was one of the few that charged for her services. She had taken the time to gather information on everyone here. She doubted she would need it. In order to turn her in they would have to risk being arrested. She was always careful only to reveal herself to people who has something to lose if they turned her in. [Color=blue]"For most of you a good profit is a bag of gold. I can promise you more than that. You are Ratte. There are not many who could pay my fee once much less several times. But There is a visitor coming to town with a large shipment of gems and treasure for the mayor's collection. If we hit it just as it arrives at the museum we can get our hands on enough gold that everyone can have a barrel of gold and a bag of gems." [/color]Roxy assured them.