[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171002/8ddde1355c121033cc6f24462db6cb4c.png[/img] [sup]Current Location: Pallet Town - Interacting With: No One[/sup][/center] [color=gray]It was a short walk from Rin's small trash heap of a house to the diner with the one and only radio within the entirety of Pallet Town. As Rin arrived, it had seemed that there was already a large group forming around the radio like usual. Some were drunkards, but they were also eager to listen to what might be said on the radio. At first, it was the usual that the radio host was always explaining to the denizens of Pallet Town. Don't visit certain settlements; The new fads that people are trying out post-Week of Hell. However, this time around, the radio host had something special to announce before he signed off. That is, a new place accepting citizens. A place supposedly zombie and robot free. The former of such a statement had led to Rin frowning. The place was slated to be a blessing in the middle of hell, yet there were no robots. Rin had been eager to help her long lost friend, but no one would want to help a robot when so many were willing to maul a human outside their settlements. Perhaps after--at the moment entirely hypothetical--travelling there Rin might luck out and find someone willing to help her, but was it worth it? It was slated to be the safest haven in a world of hell. Even the regulars of the diner didn't bother to believe in it, casting it aside like a rumor. It made Rin wonder if there were any other people that felt the way she felt.[/color] [hr] [center][@Leaves][/center]