[@Xandrya] Hoping everything is okay. [@PlatinumSkink] You got my characters right for the most part. As for the Minutemen stuff, the new job involve the community and the protection of that lady's family, however Swarm has shown up to try and 'buy' the Minutemen, I think. Not entirely sure. SpFarce was right, but to provide some clarification on that job for Xandrya and [@Sickle-Cell], they were on their own task to try and retrieve some intel for their own goal of ending human trafficking in Denver, which they were successful in. However, they attracted the attention of the authorities and were seen as a villain, so they had to skip out of the crime scene. After 'obtaining' a shirt from "Chilly Willy" (I think that was his name, don't quote me on that), Retcon assisted in the escape of the two heroes, who quickly met up with Judah and Zach later, forming Lethal Force. Overlook was right entirely. He spoke to Epsilon, and trusted her to not do anything. Unfortunately, he was caught by Sonar and backstabbed by Epsilon. Afterwards, the teen left his bunker and went to the PRT, where he was granted official hero status. He's not intended to be much more than an assistant, though, hence his name being 'Overlook'. He's meant to look over what you're doing and keep you safe.