[hr][center][color=#ACECFC][h2][u][b]Kouken, Ayame[/b][i][/i][/u][/h2][/color] [COLOR=silver][sup][b]Iwagakure | C-B | Barrier nin[/b][/sup][/COLOR][/center][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=silver][b]TIME:[/b] [i]Present Day - Morning[/i] | [b]LOCATION:[/b] [i]Lightning Challenge Room[/i] | [b]INTERACTION:[/b] [@Write] [i]Hokusai, Aito[/i] [@Ganryu] Kabe, Ai.[/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT][hr]Using Aito's preferred, and superior, method of transportation, Ayame was in flight with her friend when all of a sudden Ai appeared in a flutter of scattering paper and hugged her. Relief washed through her and she let out a breath, embracing her sister in return. [color=#ACECFC][b]“Oh thank goodness,”[/b][/color] she whispered before they ended their embrace. There were some brief [i]introductions[/i] and then Ai yelled something just as Ayame turned to see the huge waves of water, filled with sharks, that had begun to engulf the edges of one side of the forest. Her eyes widened, and barrier rods were drawn before she was even fully aware of her own actions. In an instant she stabbed the rods into the back of the phoenix, not injuring it due to its nature, and erected a barrier. In that instant she created a triangular barrier that enclosed them. Three long seconds passed, the water and sharks almost striking them before the barrier's color suddenly shifted slightly. [center][i]Seki no Koi Sakana([sub]関のコイ魚[/sub] 'Barrier of the Koi Fish')[/i][/center] The jutsu struck them, jostling them in flight, but glancing off of the barrier and traveling around them, enclosing them in water. Over the roar of the waves, Ayame yelled to Aito, [color=#ACECFC][b]“Fly up!”[/b][/color] The barrier would protect them and the phoenix from the water, but she wasn't sure if it would hold for terribly long against the continuous onslaught of water and deadly sharks. They needed to get above the mire and fast![hr][center][color=#525087][h2][u][b]????????????[/b][i][/i][/u][/h2][/color] [COLOR=silver][sup][b]???? | C-B | ????[/b][/sup][/COLOR][/center][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=silver][b]TIME:[/b] [i]Present Day[/i] | [b]LOCATION:[/b] [i]Konohagakure – Hospital Exterior[/i] | [b]INTERACTION:[/b] [i][@Ganryu][/i][/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT][hr]Making distance before the Forest of Death became enclosed by two individuals of at least S rank—by the look of their ninjutsu—Mare continued moving in powerful flashes of shunshin, which allowed him to arrive in the village rather quickly. From there he got on top of a building, found the collapsing hospital building, and then headed to it. Surveying from above he located his target. Quietly and out of sight he descended to the streets, and then circled around to a side of the hospital that the man couldn't see. He checked his hood's position, making sure it was affixed properly, before he rounded the corner and approached. Shifting his focus he hurried over to Kaito's side, [color=#525087][b]“Well, for someone who gave me a warning in the stadium, I must say you're rather roughed up yourself.”[/b][/color] A small grin peaked from his hood, [color=#525087][b]“Perhaps I could assist with that. I am a medic after all.”[/b][/color] He raised a hand and an orb formed, emitting a faint comforting glow, before he dismissed it. Having seen the interaction with Yogensha, Amegakure's leader, he knew that the man had been tasked with protecting this hospital. [color=#525087][b]“Might be best to evacuate from this building. It's unstable because of the explosion.”[/b][/color] The reality was he didn't want to stay here, and that even if the building wasn't unstable, he would have made it so to convince the shinobi. He had seen his fight and while it had not ended as the shinobi would have liked, the figure had enjoyed watching the genjutsu expert struggle. Additionally, the man's techniques were interesting. They could be very useful, he figured.