Once the portal closed behind them, Meesei stepped up alongside Lunise and put her arm gently around her waist. Silently, she leaned her head against her shoulder and simply observed the sight along with her. Even after Lunise commented, it took a while for Meesei to respond. "This place has an immaculate sort of natural beauty, which the locals have cultivated to the best of their ability. Even in the middle of the harshest of places, there are jewels like this." When she finally released her grip on Lunise, Meesei took a few steps forward and carefully sat herself down among a bed of flowers, close to the edge of the beach. For a lycan, and particularly an Argonian, the number of scents was almost overwhelming, even if they were pleasant. It was likely a case where Lunise was actually having a somewhat better experience by the virtue of being less sensitive. "There are so many places in the world like this. Perhaps not as beautiful, I would admit, but still just as deserving to be seen." --- Unlike Oswall, Darahil had a reasonable argument against the use of undead that Ahnasha simply could not ignore. She may have felt that the taboo surrounding undead was unfounded, but that would not matter to the enemy they were trying to convince. This, unfortunately, just made the situation all the more complicated. "That is...you may not be wrong." Ahnasha conceded. "Strictly speaking, the purpose of the undead only comes into play if we are discovered, but even if we are successful, we might still be detected when moving the corpses away. But...how do we keep safe, then? What can we possibly do to give myself and Sabine some kind of chance if we are discovered? I do not intend to die for this, or worse. There are the automatons, perhaps, but...can we do it, Darahil? Can we make them silent enough to move them in close enough to be useful? Can we do it reliably? or is there any other option at all?"