Thanks for the reception [@AtomicNut], I can understand why you might need to think about the character a bit more carefully. Yeshua's essentially been written from the ethos of Evangelion and something I've been wanting to roleplay ever since I first watched the show. I could certainly make him female, but to get deep into the psychology of the character would be much easier and more authentic if we share the same sex. Between Taro's vengeful nature and Adam's pride, I had to think hard about what would make Yeshua different - but it's his placement of control, and not pride, in himself, and his conflict between what he believes as a 'higher life' and the emptiness that can only be filled by his 'lower feelings'. This self loathing of basic ideas leads to most of all frustration, and therefore the inability to the most basic things, like act normally. Essentially, I've tried to combine Shinji's self-pity, Asuka's ambition and Rei's infantile nature into one character. But I can understand if you think that's a bit much. EDIT: Also, that Animetal version of Cruel Angel's Thesis is absolutely fantastic. I've listened to it about 35 times already. I didn't know the song could get any better, but there you have it.