Alvios was both amused and confused by his new opponent. So, he was a new member, who had very...[i]different[/i] traits from the rest. It was almost refreshing, despite everything. He had been slaying beasts and monsters, fighting against muscles and magic, that he had forgotten the simple thrill of a good sword fight. And to top it off, his opponent was at least courteous in his viciousness. The eight swords regrouped, folding together into two blades as Alvios blocked the thrust with the broad side of his left blade. The light sword in his right hand diffused, and reaching up, grabbed one of the newly formed blades to replace it, the light condensed so tightly that it had the appearance of white metal rather than a glow. He slashed down with the new sword at Vale's thrusting arm, as the light-sword in his left finally shattered from the force of Vale's thrust. While all of this happened, he replied to Vale's curious introduction. [color=mediumorchid]"One receives what they give, and while you're the enemy, I'll save tricks and traps for necessity. I'll have to decline on letting you [i]drink my blood,[/i] but you do you, and out of honor and respect for a swordsman's duel, my own introduction: Alvios Maeti, Scion of Light, incarnation of Helios, son of St. Argos, and apparently, as my friend up there seems to like calling me, Lightbringer."[/color]