[@Penny], it is not the duty of anyone to memorize a lexicon of evolving, fabricated and fantastic terms just to entertain a handful of people who feel somehow "oppressed" that they were misidentified. They can learn to deal with "microagressions" like the rest of the population. If the documents or record states someone is a "Mister" and they are summoned or addressed as such, they can get over their egos of whatever they identify as, [@POOHEAD189]. If they request it, certainly a person should feel out of their own kindness to entertain that, but should be under virtually no contract to carry out on it, especially under legal threat. At most that should be a work place policy where the facility is held responsible for breaches in bearing by their staff. This is of course ignoring the fact that knowingly infection someone with a disease is more than just a mere misdemeanor.