Emily swore under her breath as she fell into the infinite abyss. Apparently, she should have taken the chance to eat lunch when she had it. Maybe more to the point, this was weird. She'd been on very solid ground moments ago, and now she was here. "Here" in this case just meaning wherever she was, as there was no way to figure out any kind of direction or orientation. She couldn't even be certain she was falling, though she was definitely moving. Just not necessarily downwards, if downwards existed here. In any case, the falling and the blackness didn't last long, though the weirdness stubbornly persisted. The weirdness this time being very unpleasant heat and lots of dead people. Some of whom were on top of Emily. There was other people's blood dripping onto her, as well. That was disgusting. Having worked her way out the pile of corpses, Emily proceded to approach Victoria, saying "Not a clue. Honestly, I think we were just lucky, though that might be the wrong word for it."