The loud knocking woke up Harma again. To allow the recruiter in she moved one foot over barely hitting the button to raise the door. She announced over the comm systems. "On the bridge. Follow the snoring. Up late last night, you might have seen why leaving." She proceeded to fall asleep again and immediately began snoring again. -------------------------------------- Harma was working on some Cyphanian's speeder, he was dumbass and drunk wrecked it. She fabricated some of the aesthetic pieces from scrap metal using the Force to mold it into shape. When the guy came to pick it up. "Hey moron the paint doesn't match." She slapped him across the face with her Lightsaber hilt. "I told you I don't paint, if you want it to match paint the shit yourself or find someone else to do it. If you insist on driving after drinking each crash is going to get more & more expensive. This time is the same price as non-drunks. Next time I double it, time after that double it again, so on and so on. When it gets to the point you can't pay I take it and sell it. Learn to control yourself or give up drinking dipshit." She kept her Lightsaber in her hand. She hates drunks they are nothing more than cockroaches, she likes to advantage of them. The more she takes from them the better.