Diana looked around at the room, [color=firebrick]"It is indeed interesting. It's not hard to imagine why someone would want to get into this place."[/color] her eyes continued to follow the intricate wall designs and observed how the dust seemed to flow around inside it. This was strange and quite possibly very dangerous material that she wanted a sample of, but she thought it would be better to leave something like this out of the reach of people. Some people were good and some were bad, she'd have very little control on who it went to after handing it to Ironwood ans she knew this. She watched Eve as she placed the relic on the pedestal and then as the dust inside the walls started violently being sucked into it. [color=firebrick]"How can anything draw in that much dust?[/color] she followed after Eve as she picked up the relic that was now teaming with dust energy. She looked at it with a hint of worry, [color=firebrick]"I don't know what that this is but it should surely be kept out of enemy hands, something that powerful can't be given a chance to be misused.[/color] what ever this was it seemed to be like some kind of battery, and a bloody strong battery at that, it sucked up enough dust to fill the walls of the chamber they were in. Diana looked around to see if anything else might have been triggered by the transfer of dust into the relic. There could be traps or an ambush planned, who knows what this new enemy she'd learned of so recently was capable of. And then there were the possible traps the creator of this insane relic could have planted. She was torn on which one to be more concerned about, and ancient civilisation or the enemy of civilisation.