Name: Morgana Age: 15 Home Region/Town: Sunnyshore/Sinoh General Description and/or photo: [Img][/img] Bio: Morgana is the younger sister to Volkner. Growing up she idolized her brothers energizing intelligence. She watched and marveled at him upgrading and revolutionizing of the city around her. She wanted to grow up and be as close to her Pokemon and just as smart as her older brother. Although she studies fiercely doesn't mean she can't have fun. Morgana loves music, and shopping, and she is particularly fond of jokes. Morgana has plans to become Grand Champion, and bring new technologies that the world has yet to see. Team: Totodile Water Gun Ice Fang Scratch Scary Face Ghastly Hypnosis Lick Confuse Ray Night Shade Egg ??? ??? ??? ??? Morgana got the egg as a going away present from her brother Volkner.